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Posted: 16th Feb 2018 21:15 Edited at: 16th Feb 2018 21:19
Animation Station

What is it?
At the moment it is still early days so right now it is:
A Spritesheet viewer
You can select a folder and see all the media that is in it. Then load an image and 'visually' split it into frames. You can either split it manually by dragging out a grid or attempt to split it automatically with a single click.
Once split you can then play the animation.

So ... nothing special right now.
There's a few other little features like selecting a frame to use as a thumbnail and being able to tweak the animation.

So, that's it? What will it do when it's finished?
Import single frames of animation and put them together to create a spritesheet
Define individual animations within a spritesheet (walk, run, jump etc.)
Export XML or text files with the animation data in
Export code to allow you to play back a single animation by name from a spritesheet containing multiple animations

Import and view 3D object files
Apply textures to objects and save the data and code that allows you to load the object in your own code without having to load the texture separately
Play back animations from 3D objects
Capture frames from 3D animations that can then be imported into the 2D spritesheet creator

Most of the code to do everthing above is already written. I just need to tie it in to the GUI system but it will be slow going. As a single parent in full time employment my coding is limited to a couple of hours at the weekend when I can escape to the coffee shop and the occasional bit of quiet time at work.


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Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 16th Feb 2018 23:38
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Posted: 17th Feb 2018 07:40
Looks great so far, good luck developing it in between work, child care etc!
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Posted: 17th Feb 2018 07:53
Nice work so far.
I like the explosions. Is this your private explosion library, or are some of them free?

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Posted: 17th Feb 2018 08:37
All of the explosions in that screenshot were given away free on this very site in November 2006 by Grant Clark, who I think went by the forum name of GeeCee.
That was back the good old days when TGC produced a newsletter.
You can find the newsletter and the explosions it contains here:
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Posted: 17th Feb 2018 10:04

This is great. Is it made with agk ?
One of The exported format could be the .fpe (gameguru) format, which is very easy to use
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Posted: 17th Feb 2018 13:53 Edited at: 17th Feb 2018 13:53
Yes, it's 100% AppGameKit
I think you are overthinking what Animation Station is though.
There will be no exporting of 3D files and certainly no conversion to other formats.

Here is Animation Station in sprite playback mode and using one of the many other GUI themes:


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Posted: 17th Feb 2018 15:20
Fpe is a txt format , not a 3d format.

You have said : "Apply textures to objects and save the data and code that allows you to load the object in your own code without having to load the texture separately", so you could export the data in the fpe (txt) format if you want its very easy to export in fpe and load it in agk is easy too
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Posted: 17th Feb 2018 15:44 Edited at: 17th Feb 2018 16:51
Ah OK, my bad!
I haven't used GameGuru so I presumed it was an object format.
I'll have to look into he format of FPE. I don't suppose you have an example FPE do you?

[Edit] Forget that, I've just bought GG on Steam since it's currently on offer. I'll have a look at FPE once it's downloaded

OK, FPE would be no problem to support. The real problem though is that GG uses DBO objects with DDS textures. Neither of which are supported by AppGameKit - even though DBO is TGC's own format!
I've been asking for support for DBO and DDS for a long time without success so I don't see anything changing there
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Posted: 17th Feb 2018 21:51
looking good, scraggle

btw, your domain?
Jeff Miller
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Posted: 18th Feb 2018 00:35
That's a really nifty utility. The feature of automatic splitting with a click is interesting. Could it be adapted to split up a bitmap font sheet to create a subimage.txt companion file? The question occurred to me because I suddenly recalled that in 2006 while Grant Clark was creating and donating the sprite sheets you were creating and donating lots of really good artistic bitmap font sheets.
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Posted: 18th Feb 2018 09:46 Edited at: 18th Feb 2018 10:11
@Virtual Nomad - That used to be my domain but I let it slip. I don't currently have any web space.

@Jeff - Good memory!
I hadn't thought about using it for bitmap fonts but I've just tried it and the "Magic Split" works perfectly*. The only small issue with it is that to save a corresponding subimages text file you would need to tell Animation Station which characters were which. I could certainly put in some defaults like starting with 'space' (as mine do) and working throught the ASCII table. But not all bitmap font sheets are the same.
It's definitely something for the TO DO list though. It wouldn't take much extra work

And while I'm at it, that is only a small step from creating Atlas textures and exporting the subimages file - so that may as well go on the TO DO list as well

*Not as perfect as I first thought! It works great if the characters are all fixed width but will require a little more editing if they are not. I can still do that automatically though. I remember way back when I first posted these fonts I also posted some DBP code to find the width of each character. I'll have to dig that out and add it to the 'Magic Split' function. I'm not sure how to implement it automatically yet though because you don't want animated sprites with different frame sizes - that just wouldn't work! I may need a seperate 'Magic Split' button for bitmap fonts.
It's at the bottom of the TO DO list pile though. I want to get everything else working first and I'll add BM font support later.


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Jeff Miller
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Posted: 18th Feb 2018 11:37
That's good news. To inform the program the order of the characters, maybe we could just submit a one-line txt file that presents the characters in the order they appear (left to right, then top to bottom).

If I recall correctly, the program you attached back then had a kerning variable "k" but no assignment of value. I was working on a 2 dimensional array of kerning values to call in for one of the fonts but I can't seem to find it now. It's something that users could do on their own anyway, since it is somewhat subjective.

Just getting the subimages file output will be a welcome and significant accomplishment, and of great use to people like me who find creating that file manually to be drudgery.
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Posted: 20th Feb 2018 14:08
Looks great! I can't wait to try it. The UI looks great. How did you manage to get the windows forms look with AppGameKit?
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Posted: 20th Feb 2018 14:34
Found the explosions.
Thanks alot Scraggle.
Appreciate it !!

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Posted: 20th Feb 2018 17:57
I like the look of this - the ability to quickly check anims from a sheet would be super useful.
Using Tier 1 AppGameKit V2
Started coding with AMOS (Thanks Francois Lionet)
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Posted: 20th Feb 2018 21:39
Very usefull tool
Sell it here at tgc when its done ?
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Posted: 21st Feb 2018 20:14
Does it dynamically create the spritesheet images?

Well done all the same - looks impressive
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2018 13:18
Scraggle: this looks pretty great

Quote: "The real problem though is that GG uses DBO objects with DDS textures."

You can also use .png , there is a "textured =" field in the fpe just set it to "textured =spritesheet.png" , and for the model .x format is also supported so use "model = decal.x" , This will make it work in both GameGuru , GameGuru Loader and also just using AppGameKit with your own loader

Subscribe and checkout great AppGameKit video's here: Videos click here
Latest GameGuru Loader news: News click here
Get GameGuru Loader PBR version here: Steam click here
best regards Preben Eriksen,
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2018 14:12 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2018 15:11
Thanks to everyone that has given positive comments, they're much appreciated I'll get around to answering some of the many questions another time when I'm not at work.

As for Preben's comments about DBO and DDS; what I meant is that AppGameKit doesn't support them so if a user of Animation Station wanted to create spritesheets from animated GameGuru models he would not be able to.
Unless, as stated, I use my own loader. I did try that. I installed DBP again recently so that I could do this very thing. I used Ortu's DBP 'installer' here:.
I planned to create an invisible DBP app that used passed parameters. With that in place Animation Station could detect if you were trying to load a DBO or DDS file and then call the DBP app to first convert the file so that it could be loaded.

That would work, however, when I tried to load DBO and DDS files, neither of them seem to be supported in that version of DBP either so I'm screwed once again. I really need AppGameKit to provide support for DBO and DDS files - have I mentioned that before?
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Posted: 22nd Feb 2018 15:33 Edited at: 22nd Feb 2018 15:35
Actually, there aren't as many unanswered questions as I thought, so here goes:
Quote: " How did you manage to get the windows forms look with AppGameKit?"

Smoke and mirrors It's all done with sprites. The trick is to make as few "pointer-in-box" checks as possible because you don't want to be checking them all every frame. I have another bit of GUI based software that's currently on hold, and it had upwards of 100 'gadgets' on screen at a time but I rarely had to check more than 5.

Quote: "Sell it here at tgc when its done ?"

I hadn't thought that far ahead. Is this something that people would be willing to pay for?

Quote: "Does it dynamically create the spritesheet images?"

That really depends on what you mean.
Does it create spritesheet images? = Yes
Does it create the individual frames that make up that spritesheet? =Yes, if you are starting with a 3D object. Otherwise no, you will have to provide those yourself.

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