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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / Help with reposition rigid body with a cloth

Code Maker
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Joined: 4th Dec 2015
Posted: 18th Feb 2018 22:25
I have been working on a game in DBP with dark physics, and
i need to reposition a rigid body with a cloth attach to it,
but the problem is when i set it to a new xyz position
with this command "phy set rigid body position id, x#, y#, z#"
the cloth goes wild for three or four seconds before it settles,
and somtimes its all twisted, is there anyway to awoid this?
Code Maker
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Joined: 4th Dec 2015
Posted: 24th Feb 2018 22:09
Here is an example code so you can see what the issue is

I have inserted an wait command to slow down the screen wrap around so we can clearly see whats going on
my queston is if there is any way to avoid the spike movement off the cloth when reposition it.
Help would bee appreciate
Code Maker
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Joined: 4th Dec 2015
Posted: 26th Mar 2018 20:27
The cloth and particles pack contained a command called "relax cloth" but that command doesnt seem to exist in dark physics cloth section
anyone knows how to relax the cloth after moveing it in dark physics ?

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