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Raspberry Pi / Broadcast not working, any ideas?

Tone Dialer
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Posted: 26th Feb 2018 14:03
I am using the latest Raspbian Stretch on a Pi3 and AppGameKit v2017.09.25

I have followed the advice in other posts to disable the GL driver and to increase the GPU memory to 256Mb.

So AppGameKit editor now loads and programs will compile and run (to the screen).

Should I be able to broadcast to my Android device? when I click broadcast the program compiles and the broadcast icon (bottom right) starts to move then disappears and nothing else happens, no error messages and nothing received on other devices.

Any help appreciated, please.
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Posted: 26th Feb 2018 20:20
Ive just quickly tried this and broadcast does work fine on my Pi3. I broadcast a few of the demo apps to my android phone and to my tablet and it works ok here. Both run fine.

Obviously, both devices are on the same network and firewall isnt blocking traffic on 5689. I did try it wired (not wifi) but could try via wifi if that helps?
Tone Dialer
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Posted: 26th Feb 2018 20:58
Thank you for the reply.

It is good to know that your broadcasting is working, I am using WiFi and it is not broadcasting, so if you could test on WiFi that would be good.

My Pi and tablet both on same network, not sure about firewall, is that in the router or Pi (or both)?
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Posted: 26th Feb 2018 21:29
Just tried broadcasting via wifi and had no problems. Can you broadcast from PC to an android device or to another PC?

The Pi3 ive been testing this on tonight is still running Raspbian Jessie. My other PI3 running Stretch is at work so... I cant test Stretch right now to see if thats the issue but should be able to try it tomorrow.
Tone Dialer
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Posted: 26th Feb 2018 21:40
PC to Android tablet works ok, so if you could try WiFi broadcasting with Raspbian stretch on your Pi3 that would be great.
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Posted: 1st Mar 2018 10:49 Edited at: 1st Mar 2018 10:50
Sorry for the slow reply, Ive been really busy.

I downloaded stretch at home to try it and had the exact same problem your having. So it is a problem with running Stretch and AGK2 Pi 25/9/17. Jessie runs it fine and allows broadcast but the newer Stretch doesnt. The IDE will open and will even say it has compiled fine but it wont allow broadcast. I ran it from command line and its still an issue with libraries not being linked (due to being renamed in stretch EG OpenGLES2.0.) There's a thread on here about it.
Tone Dialer
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Posted: 1st Mar 2018 13:56 Edited at: 1st Mar 2018 15:59
Thanks Bengismo for testing AGK2 Pi 25/9/17 on Raspibian Stretch, I have tried updating the libraries pointed to by other posts, but broadcasting just refuses to work for me.
So TGC Dev team please note that the next Pi release of AGK2 needs to be tested on latest official Raspibian Stretch before release.

My fix (for now) was to buy another 16Gb microSD card and install the last Raspibian Jessie NOOBS release 05-07-2017 from here

Once I set up the WiFi its now all working for me, AGK2 Pi 25/9/17 broadcasts to my Android tablet perfectly.

PS. Link to help with setting up the Pi3 Raspibian Jessie WiFi from command line.

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