More features on 3d too :
- colision ( easy box collision), improve the character should be cool, improve physics
- better lighting system (have the possibility to set our lighting fallof or other things like linear...)
- shader more easy : setobjectspecularmap (), with intensity, idem for normalmap, rimlight...
- better diffuse shader (not only basic phong, but oren nayar or other)
- spec shader too (ward iso, toon, ...)
- a lightmapper should be great (with soft shadow, ambient occlusion, gi...), perhaps integrate an existing tool like beast.
- more debug feature (physics box, line3d...)
- more objects features (get with/height/length), get pivot x, y, z...
- animation with scale bones
- use same anim on different models
- open models with its textures
AGK2 tier1 -