@ thedoctor989
Quote: "it doesn't follow the code right and stay in place when the player looks at the entity"
The code is correct and doing what it's suppose to do. The command "inview=0" mean when the entity is NOT in view of the player.
So when it's NOT inview it moves forward (:state=1,inview=0:movefore=10)
Here try this, I removed the "inview" command and see if this works better for your situation ???
Or try this, it only moves after player has been seen.
Note: searching for scripts is good, it gives one ideas of how these scripts work. But remember many are intended for a specific purpose or
situation. They are custom scripts meant for a custom level/map, so some changes are needed many times. And older scripts don't always
work with the newer versions of fpsc as some commands change with time.
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
Lots and lots of random features...