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FPSC Classic Models and Media / problem with cutscenes made in Blender

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Joined: 4th Jan 2017
Posted: 17th May 2018 12:54
I made an animation in Blender as a human being drags the monster up and exported it to x format and in entity maker program this model fails and in Fpscreator X9 gives an error too.

Maybe there are some special methods for creating cutscenes in Blender for Fpscreator x9 (as in the game Half life 1) ?
Mr Love
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Joined: 9th Jun 2005
Playing: MAFIA 2
Posted: 17th May 2018 23:38
Well, before I answer Your question. This shourld not be under models and media, wourld fit better under Chat. (There are more answers there) Ok, first I want to tell You the ugly truth, that it is very few model software that export to FPSC, the only ones I know is Fragmotion and 3dsmax.. Im talking about animation sence that was Your question. When it comes to export of static objects many more are capable to export working .X files.. Try to export in another format, like FBX from blender to fragmotion, and then it will work! Otherwise try formats until You find a format that works in fragmotion...
Good Luck!

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