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FPSC Classic Scripts / bot killing other bot

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Posted: 6th Jul 2018 19:16
Is it possible to have a script that stops the game after 3 minutes of play?
and, I'd also like the bots to kill each other.

thank you for help .
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Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 7th Jul 2018 15:28
AuthenTiiq Hi and welcome Yes, its very easy. A very simple script would just use the "etimer" commands.
It would look something like this... note, you didn't mention if after 3 mins the game is over/lost, or game was won

Being new here, a good place to start is grabbing a syntax list of commands here...
And looking at some script examples & how to setup from here...
Now the "bots" question is a whole other matter, do you mean npc's attacking each other ?

Also, being new, note that here we try to show some kind of effort in the script before just asking for it
If your really stuck and need help, then ask

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Posted: 7th Jul 2018 16:56
Thank you for your help.
The bots I solved with the Dark AI team system.
Is it possible to do a kill counter for each team?
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Posted: 8th Jul 2018 17:26
I tested your script, I put them in a trigger in the "hand" box except that it didn't work after more than 3 minutes nothing happened.
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Posted: 8th Jul 2018 23:37
Authen Tiig So sorry about that, I made a slight typo I forgot to add a colon. You should see where I added it to the script.
Here it is redone. Try it now, it should work. If you want to just do a quick test, change the "180000" to something like "60000" (one minute) or maybe
30000 (that's 30 seconds) And yes, add this to a triggerzone Main-AI or any dynamic entity and place in level.

Now for a "Kill Counter" do you mean like a "number total" of kills displayed on the screen ???
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
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Posted: 9th Jul 2018 16:07 Edited at: 9th Jul 2018 17:36
Yes, I'm talking about that.
For example, if a team has made the most kills, it wins the game.
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Posted: 9th Jul 2018 16:10
Yes, I'm talking about that.
For example, if a team has made the most kills, it wins the game.
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Location: Hendersonville,NC
Posted: 9th Jul 2018 23:26
Quote: "Yes, I'm talking about that - if a team has made the most kills"

Sounds like your talking about multiplayer ??? fpsc multiplayer already has that built into it.
If you mean "single player" that's a whole different matter and would require some custom scripts
My games never have bugs. They just develop random features..
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