Wow actually really enjoying this one man! Haven't beaten it yet, but its actually pretty hard on SCARED Operative mode lol. Good stuff.
Not sure if you're still around these days but heres a little review for you @TMoney
Things I really liked:
- Listening to voicemail
- Patriotic gloves (awesome and fits the theme well)
- Enemy Placement
- Wide range of guns with different feels
- Voice audio was low quality but sufficient to flesh out the plot
- The way your health was set at what you ended the level at. Very interesting way to scale the difficulty and encourage the player hunt for health packs
Things I didn't like:
- Ambient Lighting was way too high for my tastes. I set it to 15 and that was
perfect for all your games sections
- Not enough lights. Some areas were completely lightless, making it feel bland in those areas. A couple small lights would go a long way to giving a better feel
- Vent sections feel too lengthy
- Some checkpoints would respawn you right where you died fighting enemies, setting you into a death loop until game over
- The end of the first level, the banshee(?) enemy spawns halfway into the floor, then falls out of the level.
- Lifts were prone to disappear after dismounting them
- Menus screens and hud could use a makeover (but look whos talking lol
Excellent little game, thanks for sharing
Edit: Just beat it! Thanks for that wild ride brother.