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FPSC Classic Product Chat / [SOLVED] Win Zone

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Posted: 13th Aug 2018 20:53 Edited at: 13th Aug 2018 21:18
I am learning FPS Creator Classic and so far everything is clear except for one point. I have read the manual, forums, other available PDF files in the distribution, etc, and have not found any description of exactly how to set the Win Zone so it actually transports the player to the next level. I will provide a detailed question and hopefully a detailed answer can follow. Once again, please notice that I've read the manual (several times.)

I am using FPC Creator 1.20.18, which I download only two days ago.

The desired behavior is that when the player enters the Win Zone in level 1 (filename level1.fpm) he is moved to the player start marker on level 2 (level2.fpm).

Level 1 consists of (1) a player starter marker and (2) a stone slab upon which I have placed the Win Zone.
Level 2 consists of (1) a player starter marker and (2) a green light.

The desired operation is for the player to step on the slab and reappear in front of the green light. What actually happens is that after the fade-out the player is back where he started, at the player starter marker for Level 1.

The possible settings in the Level 1 Win Zone entity and their default settings are:

General/Name: Win Zone

All Scripts/Start: appear1.fpi
All Scripts/Main: plrinzone.fpi
All Scripts/Destroy: disappear1.fpi
All Scripts/Use Key: blank
All Scripts/If Used: blank
Statistics/lsObjective: 2
Sound/Sound0: audiobank\misc\soundtrigger.wav

In Build Game/Level Settings I have both levels, with Level 1 first and Level 2 second.

As mentioned earlier, I have spent many hours searching in the manual and other PDF files, and on various online forums, and so far no answer has provided the solution for me.

Just a follow-up question. I tried editing the plrinzone.fpi script but the Build Game wizard overwrites it. So I am looking at two possible solutions:

(1) Somewhere I could find out exactly how to set the attributes of the Win Zone and perhaps the Build Game/Level Settings so it works.

(2) Or perhaps I can learn exactly which script to change and how, and then to stop the wizard from overwriting it. Maybe it is possible to build the game from the command line, without using the GUI program?

Many thanks in advance for any helpful answers!

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Posted: 13th Aug 2018 22:08
Sorry this thread seems empty. My original post seems to have vanished. Since I'm new on the forum, I'm not sure if it is waiting for approval after a small edit. If it doesn't show up within 24 hours I will repost.
Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 13th Aug 2018 23:49
There you go, approved.

It is one of the "new user" quirks to the forum, it's to filter out the spambots and hoodlums. After you've made a few posts it should automatically lift.
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Posted: 14th Aug 2018 02:32
This post has been marked by the post author as the answer.
Finally I came across a post which explained how to do this. The name of the fpm file (without the fpm) goes in the If Used field. So in my case I want the Win Zone to take the player to level2, the filename of which is level2.fpm. So I just typed in 'level2' in the Win Zone If Used field. I rebuilt and now it works!

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