I've written a board game app called Kalah (a Mancala game); its currently up on Google Play. The current version was written in Python with the Kivy framework. It...works... but is problematic. Specifically, the negamax AI algorithm I wrote for it can take up to 8 seconds to run in the harder modes. The end-users experiences this as a "game lockup" while it is thinking.
So, my general question is this: can AppGameKit launch processes into the background and asynchronously continue while the process finishes? Essentially, I'd want the game to launch the decision-making algorithm into the background. And then the game continues running, probably showing a "please wait...I'm thinking" animation while waiting for the process to finish.
I'm happy to rewrite the algorithm into C++ or the AppGameKit language. But before I start, I'm asking if this is even possible.
Thanks in advance for any help or feedback!