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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / Dark basic pro still the best

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2018 19:28
Dark basic pro is still the best coading software out there, graphics are decided on you, so dont blame that.

Its the easiest language to code in, so I think it is still the best and should have never been abandoned.
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Posted: 24th Dec 2018 03:38
Many programers call this language "c++ on steroids" but in fact DBPro is actualy a step above c++ so I`m with you.
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Posted: 24th Dec 2018 09:31
Quote: "DBPro is actualy a step above c++"

You do know that DBP is written in c++ ? ...
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Derek Darkly
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Posted: 1st Jan 2019 22:08

Doesn't everything boil down to assembly code? "Best" is a personal interpretation at best.
I haven't bought AppGameKit yet, but it seems like new-age DBP for those who actually want to sell a game.
And cheers to those who have!
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Posted: 16th Jan 2019 07:06
i will always love dbpro. been playing atound with agk lately after years of trying to ignore it but dbpro is no longer supported and mobile rapid dev is the future for indie. i must say though agk annoys me with all the usless extra keystrokes. get this get that extra usless words everywhere in almost every command. darkbasic had a few of these but agk is horrible. type a million lines of agk commands in your life and half the keystrokes are extra and pointless. it needs to be streamlined like "screen width()" instead of " getmaxdevicewidth()" harder to read and two usless words " get max." i get trying to make it easy to read but there comes a point where it greatly slows down production.
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Posted: 16th Jan 2019 23:22
There's definitely some things that it handles oddly, part of that is because it tries to normalize things across a large variety of platforms and devices. Width height is one of those.

Aside from device dimensions the are also virtual dimensions, retina/ scaling dimensions, usable screen space dimensions which exclude control space headers and footers and so on...

What I am really enjoying right now is AgkSharp which is the agk libraries for c#

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Posted: 18th Feb 2019 23:27
I decided to upgrade/modify a program I had developed using DB Pro. The unfortunate thing is that I had used several purchased 3rd party plugins. I seem that I can't activate them because TGC is no longer supporting DBPro. Anything I can do?
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James H
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Posted: 19th Feb 2019 00:49 Edited at: 19th Feb 2019 00:50
Go here and download(green button - I just went for zip option). Open it and go to the folder named "install" - this is almost ready to go installation of specific version of DBP, just copy the certificates folder over to your installation(probably best to remove your installation's certificates folder if one exists).

Edit: The certificates folder is in the compiler folder.
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Posted: 19th Feb 2019 01:37
Thanks for the really quick response. I wish I could say that this worked but, alas, using commands from the styx plugin still doesn't work. I use split$ and the token commands and I get, "could not understand command at line 6" The command was "TOKEN DELIMETERS" from styx plugin. It seems that there should be a single cert # or two, such as is in the certificate folder, that would create a general authorization. If that was supposed to be the case then there must be something that is still not right.
THEORY - you know everything but nothing works. PRACTICE - when everything works but don't know why.
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James H
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Posted: 19th Feb 2019 02:15
I don't have styx but some other licensed plugins using those certificates that seem to work fine with all the certificates installed...I am using U7.7rc7...perhaps styx is one of those plugins that require a specific upgrade? Maybe your on windows 10 and it could be the issue? Are you using dx9.0c? Just guessing now, could be anything - maybe you have Matrix1Utils installed? I see posts mentioning issues having it installed alongside. Also can't always trust DBP to report correct lines when other issues exist.

If you go to that link again you can select anything highlighted in the install folder then compiler then certificates, if you scroll down to 6f561398111be029b8047c7c400da0e5 and select it, you will see the desc as STYX. Really it should work alongside others but I guess you can try just having the one file to test.
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Posted: 19th Feb 2019 03:33
I backed up my matrix utilities folders and took them out of plugins-user. I then took the styx folder out of plugins-licensed and put it into plugins-user. This worked for me. You are right about the error line not being necessarily the correct one. I remember that from those years ago. Thanks for being there for me. I remember your forum name back in the day.
THEORY - you know everything but nothing works. PRACTICE - when everything works but don't know why.
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Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 19th Feb 2019 05:11
for plugins to work, you no longer need to acivate them, just copy over all the certificates that get stored in the complier folder. you should be able to find certificates on github, failing that I can upload them, not at my PC right now though.
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James H
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Posted: 19th Feb 2019 10:57 Edited at: 19th Feb 2019 11:04
You're welcome. Glad you managed to sort it out, you should get more accurate lines for errors now(although never say never). Just remember that if you have additional source files in a project that you may have to find the exact line using the temp folders .dba file after each attempted compile as lines are counted in the order they are used - such as when other source files are accessed with gosub, function, etc. The temp's .dba is the full source from beginning to end with lines in the right order, it's plausible that you may have been seeing this issue instead of just a failed installation, or both.
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Posted: 24th Feb 2019 19:27
Guess what, James. I spoke too soon. All of a sudden it no longer works. BOTR, that's actually what I thought. I did that (at least I thought I did) but still not working. I will try doing it again. I'm assuming the plugins should reside in "Plugin Licenced" folder.
THEORY - you know everything but nothing works. PRACTICE - when everything works but don't know why.
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James H
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Posted: 26th Feb 2019 00:59
That's a tough one

I have had matrix utils behave in this manner in the past, some of it's dll's would work while others wouldn't that where working previously. Then I started having issues with DBP in general after that, I basically got bored trying to solve it by reading the forums and such, I tried a few vanilla DBP projects that ran fine, then went back to matrix1utils. Normally I would place the msvc dll it needs in with the exe and do nothing else but IanM had stated we could install it in system folders which I then tried. Then all of matrix1utils failed to compile! So I decided I would get on with other DBP stuff only to find I was getting a mix of errors or failed compiles or failed to load dba etc. I hadn't installed anything else, in fact it was fine one night then next morning at some point I noticed. I don't have auto update on ever but had manually updated windows defender that morning before all the apparent discovery and messing around. I got fed up with it quick after that and just reinstalled the OS.

Right now I have matrix1utils installed...once again at some point in the distant past I had done a manual windows defender update - only to find the same thing took place soon after. So rather than trying to install the msvc dll into the system folders like previously, I have left it all as is. I have been using this installation for a long time now and just live with not being able to use some matrix1utils dlls. The ones I need still work and the few other plugins I use aren't affected.

Sorry not of any help. My only real suggested is start with a fresh OS install followed by DBP and STYX - maybe in a virtual machine and see what happens.
Win 7 Pro 64 bit SP1, AMD A4-5300 APU 3.4GHz, 8GB DDR3, NVidia GeForce GTX 750 1GB GDDR5, ASUS A55BM-E
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Posted: 4th May 2019 10:47
Basic is the best, dark basic pro is the best...
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Posted: 14th May 2019 11:08
"best", "performant","optimized", while you can't say any of these things for it anymore DBP was the VERRY first thing I EVER came across when i was still a kid that boldly told me "Yes, even YOU can make a game, just do it (not sponsored by Nike) ". To this day, it still holds a VERY special place in my heart
Do you dare play my s#!tty little RPG?

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