A hidden object game should just be a matter of
if ( GetPointerPressed ( ) = 1 )
hit = GetSpriteHit ( GetPointerX ( ), GetPointerY ( ) )
where the value of hit would be the sprite you clicked
I would recommend for a hidden object game to use arrays might pay to read up on them
for example myObjects as integer[9] allows for 10 hidden objects as a type of integer (ie a number with no decimals)
the checking routine
would then look something like this
if ( GetPointerPressed ( ) = 1 ) //you have clicked the mouse button
hit = GetSpriteHit ( GetPointerX ( ), GetPointerY ( ) ) //checks if there is a sprite at the location of the mouse
for num = 0 to 9 //for/next counts from 0 to 9 in otherwords repeats everything between the for and the next statements
if hit=myObjects[num]=hit //youve clicked one //
setObjectVisible(myobjects[num],0) //sets the visibilty to off for that object you clicked
just a bit of an idea of what you need good luck with your project hidden object games are addictive and very popular
PS you would still need to declare all of your sprites and keep there values in the array
ie a loop where myobjects[num]=createSprite(yourimage)
looking forward to see pics later