I have found AppGameKit a very powerful language and certainly allot easier than engines like Unity etc to use
It is true that it started off aimed at mobile development which means your code not only will work on mobiles
but lower end machines. That's the problem with unity for example as that aims development at high end
machines and creates really bad mobile apps. Altho Unity does produce nice pc style games. What needs to be
considered is the market you aim at and I personally feel the larger the market the better as not everyone
can afford the latest gaming pc just to play your game. With that said it doesn't mean AppGameKit cant produce the
prettiness as Unity just software developers achieve this slightly differently and there is many examples in the
showcase that showcase some great work done with the use of shaders and other clever methods. Like the
world builder i have seen. Depending on what you plan to do with AppGameKit you may want to look at Janbos
shader pack later down the track if its effects you want to achieve like that. And AGKStudio would be a great
place to start with AppGameKit classic used an older style game engine in the background which is great for lower
end machines, but AppGameKit studio will allow development with the classic engine and also the new vulkan engine
which is still being developed but will give a 30 percent frame rate increase ove the classic engine the drawback
being it will not work with some of the older hardware. but AppGameKit studio will allow both engines to be selected at
compile time. The vulkan engine also supports improvements with shaders and other things that will produce nicer
stuff and at the time is a great time to purchase the Alpha version as its set to go up in price