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AppGameKit Studio Chat / [ANNOUNCEMENT] Reporting bugs for AppGameKit Studio

The Next
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Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 1st Mar 2019 13:15 Edited at: 23rd Mar 2019 13:48
If you find a bug while using AppGameKit Studio please follow the following steps.

Step One
You should first find steps to reproduce the error and confirm that it is not user error. You may to choose this by posting on the forums asking other users to confirm.

Step Two
Once you know what you have found is a bug you should gather as much information as possible and report it on GitHub which can be found using the link below.

Step Three
Once in GitHub the bug has been logged officially and will be added to the list fix based on priority, if you see others discussing the bug on the forums ask them to comment on your existing issue on GitHub which will help it get fixed quicker.

Please note posting additional issue reports on GitHub will not help your bug get resolved faster and may infact slow down the fixes, search for existing issues first.
Also note that any bugs not reported in GitHub will not be fixed.
Windows 10, Intel i7 4.2 GHz, 16GB DDR4, NVIDIA RTX 2060

Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 21st May 2023 19:18 Edited at: 21st May 2023 21:45
  • please review bugs already posted to avoid duplicates; If the issue is already known, feel free to comment with additional insight or potential work-arounds.
  • potential bugs should be discussed and confimed with others here on the Forums or @ the #Bugs Channel whenever possible and before posting @ the repo & include a link to any discussion that might prove helpful toward resolution.
  • please include your OS/version(s) and Classic/Studio version(s) where the bug exists.
  • users can Close their own issues and Reopen them (preferably including a comment re: the status change) .
  • Classic Issues can be posted @ the same Studio Repository.
  • you can help! feel free to confirm, deny as a Bug, Confirm a Fix, or otherwise discuss an issue in its comments.


Criteria that i utilize when assigning Priority:
  • High: Causes crash with no practical work-around.
  • Medium: Does not function properly with no practical work-around.
  • Low: Relatively minor or work-around provided.

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