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AppGameKit Studio Chat / AppGameKit Studio 0.50 bugs

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Joined: 17th Apr 2017
Posted: 29th Mar 2019 13:07
Hello there!

AppGameKit Studio is a neat project. The Scene Editor is a great idea, and the help available right on the IDE's window is really useful. Now you can see and manage the game assets. Overall, I look forward to the 1.0 version in June.

However I found some bugs in AppGameKit Studio 0.50. Some of them are minor, but there are some bad bugs as well:

1) At the Scene Editor, when I choose "Setup Sprite Sheet", the text boxes seem to be reversed:

Also, the sprite sheet doesn't work if the atlas image has more columns than rows or vice-versa. For instance, in one of my games there's a bird sprite with two frames of animation. I couldn't properly setup the sprite sheet since it's a 2 columns by 1 row.

2) The "Add Text Object" button is partially hidden whenever the Sprites Folder is open:

3) Strangely, after going to the code editor, the t key stops working (?!?)

These are the bugs I have found so far.

Thanks for your time.


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Posted: 29th Mar 2019 15:51
this thread explains the process of how to report bugs

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