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AppGameKit Studio Chat / Feature Idea: Documenting user created function to show in help window

DBPro Developer
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Posted: 31st Mar 2019 09:25
I'm thinking of putting this in for a feature request, but just want to gauge if it is something everyone else would want or use.

So, when you need to know more about an AppGameKit command, you would press F1 while the command is highlighted in the code editor. This brings up the help doc for that command in the help tab to the left.

What I'm thinking is the same thing for our own functions. We could put a comment block just above or inside the function definition, and the studio editor could use that comment as a help doc for that function. Pressing F1 on the highlighted function name anywhere in code would bring up the function help in the same help tab just like normal help docs.

This code:


would show in the help window as:

I believe this could be very useful. Is this something anyone else would like added?


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Posted: 31st Mar 2019 13:04
I agree too.
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Posted: 31st Mar 2019 13:21
That would be awesome, I often find myself lost when I read programs I made long ago and need to check what which function does what
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Posted: 31st Mar 2019 20:35
Nice idea but I think using some kind of definition file (maybe XML) would be more useful as this would enable plugin functions to be documented in the same manor.

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Posted: 31st Mar 2019 23:20
I always use comments above my functions, like:

But everybody has got their own style, so ShaunRW's request might be useful for a lot of people...

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Posted: 1st Apr 2019 06:39
This a very usefull idea

DBPro Developer
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Posted: 1st Apr 2019 12:05
Quote: "Nice idea but I think using some kind of definition file (maybe XML) would be more useful as this would enable plugin functions to be documented in the same manor."

AGK uses html files for its documentation, which i assume the Studio IDE is displaying. It would be neat if we could drop our own files into a certain folder. This way plugin creators could provide the help files along with the plugin. DBPro did something like this IIRC.

Quote: "But everybody has got their own style"

That's true. If the function name and definition in the help are generated from the actual code, it would work ok. Then the description comes from the contents of the leading comment, whether it is a single line or block.

I went ahead and added the feature request to github:
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Posted: 1st Apr 2019 18:21 Edited at: 1st Apr 2019 18:21
I thought this myself.
Like the XML Documentation Comments in Visual Studio
You can then create a html file from the XML code with sandcaste for example.
Not sure if I want an XML or a HTML
But II'l give this a +1 anyway
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Posted: 1st Apr 2019 19:51
I like the idea of being able to quickly and simply state what a function does and it’s inputs and outputs. Great idea.

Reckon it should be kept simple.
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