some of the lighting method have changed in dbp, i'm not sure what you mean really though, here is what i get when i run your program:
i use this code:
rem -----------------------------------------
rem : Terra-Genesis - a matrix shifting algorythm
rem : by Brian Berg (Dec 2003)
rem : One matrix can shape vast landscapes!
rem -----------------------------------------
`set display mode 800, 600, 16
`Gather up the textures
box 0,0,50,50,RGB(0,255,128),RGB(0,255,128),RGB(0,255,128),RGB(0,255,128)
ink black,0
for t=1 to 25 : dot rnd(50),rnd(50) : Next t
get image 1,0,0,50,50
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
`Control Variables
num_tiles = 60
land_buffer = 2000
tile_size# = land_buffer/num_tiles
`only one matrix for the entire game!
make matrix 1, land_buffer, land_buffer, num_tiles, num_tiles
prepare matrix texture 1,1,1,1
randomize matrix 1, 20
update matrix 1
`Initiation variables
cx# = land_buffer/2
cz# = cx#
y = 20
`Initiate view
set camera range 1, 950
position camera cx#, y, cz#
Xrotate camera 35
fog on
fog distance 800
`Input selection
if upkey()=1 then x#=newXvalue(x#, ay, -2) : z#=newZvalue(z#, ay, -2)
if downkey()=1 then x#=newXvalue(x#, ay, 2) : z#=newZvalue(z#, ay, 2)
if leftkey()=1 then ay=wrapvalue(ay-1)
if rightkey()=1 then ay=wrapvalue(ay+1)
rotate camera 0, ay, 0
position matrix 1, x#, 0, z#
center text 320, 200, str$(screen fps())
if x# > tile_size#
shift matrix right 1
x# = 0
if x# < (-1*tile_size#)
shift matrix left 1
x# = 0
if z# > tile_size#
shift matrix down 1
if z# < (-1*tile_size#)
shift matrix up 1
i've made my own image for the matrix and taken the fog commands out of the main loop as that isn't necessary, if possible post a screenie of what you get when you run that code... this is in version 1.5