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Work in Progress / Vitium

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Posted: 4th Jun 2019 07:30 Edited at: 19th Sep 2021 01:15
Restarting "Vitium Universe from the ground up" no longer on hold

The galaxy could be yours in this multiplayer real time strategy. Vitium Universe offers players the ability to completely design their own ships and classes and choose their own fate in this sandbox Universe. Join forces with allies to amass a fortune and build your base. Together you can conquer solar systems or perhaps the whole galaxy.

Planned features : Player vs player combat. player action house and trading. player owned stores able to be located anywhere. there will be no class system instead the way you design your ship is what determines your class. if you gear your ship up for hauling or if you build it for stealth PVP the way you decide to play is up to you. This takes a large amount of programming out of the mix eliminating lots of extra menus, talent balancing , class creation, class balancing. guilds, guild territory bases. guild sector control player sector control. the option for PVP is optional. players who do not participate in PvP will have a resource gathering Nerf to prevent an unfair advantage quickly leveling in a safe environment and then jumping into PVP fully armed. non PVP players will have to work harder since they risk nothing. Base Creation.
Ship Building: each ship will have a core /cockpit that can be upgraded or changed all additions to a core such as as hull or 3 hulls or wings guns ect are all added on as a available slots and each sub item has its own slots allowing for extremely diverse builds.

Star Systems: The orignial plan was to build 1k star systems but ive revised it to 100 per server for now per 1k players to reduce lag and overhead and inspire conflict where each player cannot own their own system unless they fight for it or form an alliance.

there will be additional systems that cannot be controlled or own that are part of the story and quest line, resources can still be harvested from these systems.

`login video

`login window

`character selection Screen with temp models

`purple star asteroid view

`purple star orbital view

`stress testing on a midrange pc



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Chris Tate
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Posted: 6th Aug 2019 02:56
Will the combat be 100% based on space flight, or will there be a mixture of on the ground warfare?
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Posted: 6th Aug 2019 03:05
for now i dont plan to expand to terrain based or inner atmosphere combat. however if i have time remaining i will definitely look into implementing it. this is a persistent universe and will be full of player made items. and structures that alone can be quite exciting. for combat. there will also be a npc faction in the game and unique enviroments.
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Chris Tate
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Posted: 18th Aug 2019 10:22
What type of perspective will be used, will it be third person based?
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Posted: 19th Aug 2019 01:28
1st or 3rd. perspective still working on the networking side nearly done though.
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Posted: 21st Aug 2019 17:20 Edited at: 21st Aug 2019 17:21
What kind of flight mechanics are you planning? Arcade or space-physics type? I'm always a fan of games that do space-physics right, while still controlling some aspects so it feels arcady...make sense?
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Posted: 21st Aug 2019 18:02
ill be using near real space mechanics. momentum angular, velocity drag, gravitational pull, weight. and not so much arcade but not a simulator either. this is a 3d mmo essentially some objects that should exert a force will not just to simplify things. not going to make a player do complicated math to orbit a asteroid the're harvesting or anything.
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2019 17:22
I think it's a matter of balance between real world physics and arcade like physics, while at the same time using smoke and mirrors to trick the player into thinking your game uses complicated maths to navigate your ship.
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2019 17:39 Edited at: 19th Sep 2021 00:53


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Posted: 20th Sep 2019 07:10 Edited at: 19th Sep 2021 00:54


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Chris Tate
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Posted: 21st Oct 2019 17:08
I love it.

Side question, do you happen to be into Nasa, Space X, pluto missions and all of that?
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Posted: 23rd Oct 2019 01:36
not so much i live inside agk when im allowed. but im crazy about space and science and have big plans fir this game

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Posted: 28th Dec 2019 07:52
Update. finished culling system for 3 lods for stars and planets added resources for stars and planets. added some ui elements and particles. working on adding my asteroid fields back into the game next then testing multiplayer for continuity of object positions and names from player to player.


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Posted: 7th Jan 2020 07:34 Edited at: 7th Jan 2020 08:05


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Posted: 13th Jan 2020 07:50
Quite outstanding work and very atmospheric - very well done!
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Posted: 4th Feb 2020 01:55 Edited at: 19th Sep 2021 01:15

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Posted: 11th Mar 2020 07:05
It would be a shame if this was not completed perhaps you could team up with somebody

fubarpk on Itch...………...
fubarpk on googleplay..
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Posted: 27th Mar 2020 22:18 Edited at: 19th Sep 2021 01:16

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Posted: 23rd Sep 2021 04:46
@bluzerdeep thanks mate. I learn new things daily from the agk community the journey never ends but things continuously get better.
Update. ive rebuilt the client and server coms , reducing the code used by about 75% and simultaneously fixing all the comms problems that previously infested this project, character login has been rebuilt and a far superior character item stats ect system has been built. rebuillding and optomizing the login force field and solar system code then will rebuild and improve culling and generation of planets and systems. Will work on getting multiplayer demo out after that and start slowly adding gameplay elements.

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