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AppGameKit Studio Chat / Still can't change full screen rendering resolution

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Posted: 27th Jul 2019 19:38
Hopefully I've missed something, but it looks like it's still not possible to set the rendering resolution to anything other than the window size -- meaning at full screen, rendering is always done at the monitor's native resolution. SetVirtualResolution only changes the aspect ratio and SetScreenResolution forces a window resize, taking it out of full screen entirely. The ability to change the rendering resolution is a bog standard feature in desktop-platform 3D games these days and is very often a critical performance setting. Is this functionality on the road map for AGK/S at all?
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Posted: 27th Jul 2019 20:07 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 20:17
Agreed, it's a fundamental requirement for desktop.

Be sure to include an official request on GitHub:
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Posted: 27th Jul 2019 20:44
I'd also like to be able to set the actual desktop resolution too.

It makes much sense especially when you consider the growing popularity in 4K+ monitors and having your game always outputting at native monitor resolution could be a frame rate killer on 4K+ monitors vs 1920x1080 ( or less ).
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Posted: 27th Jul 2019 20:56
Quote: "Be sure to include an official request on GitHub"


Quote: "It makes much sense especially when you consider the growing popularity in 4K+ monitors and having your game always outputting at native monitor resolution could be a frame rate killer on 4K+ monitors vs 1920x1080 ( or less )."

Definitely. And it seems especially needed now that Studio is being advertised with improved 3D rendering capabilities.
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Posted: 27th Jul 2019 23:49 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 23:51
Hi, can this be what you need?


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Posted: 28th Jul 2019 00:03 Edited at: 28th Jul 2019 00:05
@Qugurun - Unfortunately not as the output is always scaled to the native resolution of the users monitor. So 4K+ monitor users always end up with a scaled output to 4K+ regardless of any resolution settings in AGK.
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Posted: 28th Jul 2019 00:17 Edited at: 28th Jul 2019 00:24
@Qugurun - It's easier to see the problem with a 3D object. For example.

If it was actually rendering at 4x less resolution, the edges of the cube would not appear as sharp as they do at full resolution (much more aliasing would be present). But there is no visible difference.

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