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3 Dimensional Chat / Unity or Unreal Engine?

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Joined: 29th Jul 2019
Posted: 29th Jul 2019 03:33
I am a beginner in game development, but would like to create a small game that I would work on for a hobby. I cannot choose between the 2 game engines, Unity and Unreal. I have looked at both of them, and they both seem very good for beginners. It is only me working on this game. Ill tell a bit of information about my game, so if any of you have advice on which engine I should use. My "game" will mainly be artwork. Lots of foliage. Trees, plants, and bushes, etc. I am not very good at code right at the moment. The main thing I need my game to have is excellent graphics, and performance. The game will be first person, in a forest I will try to make as realistic as possible. For a lot of the game development will probably be drag and drop honestly, if I can get some nice realistic trees and such. I have some of my own 3d models, and my own terrain I would like to import also, to make my world look as realistic as possible. I may also turn it into some post-apocalyptic peaceful type of game, just because I enjoy building that type of stuff. I will not release the game out to the public, because there is no point in the game. I just want to design my own beautiful world, on my off time. I think it would be a pretty cool thing, and I am aware it will take a TON of work, still. I wrote all this fast and am most likely not writing enough information, I will be glad to answer any if your questions asap. Thank you! 
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Posted: 29th Jul 2019 11:22

You could download any of the Engines and try them out. If you try them for about a week or two, it would be no wasted time, because from what you are writing, your project could go on for years.
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Posted: 4th Aug 2019 04:05
Quote: "I cannot choose between the 2 game engines, Unity and Unreal"

And you ask this here? - OK, I'll read on...

Quote: "they both seem very good for beginners"

Really? Which part did you find "very good" for beginners?. I'm guessing the drag and drop parts but I'll read on.

Quote: "My "game" will mainly be artwork. Lots of foliage. Trees, plants, and bushes"

That's not a game, that's just creating a scene.

Quote: "I am not very good at code right at the moment. The main thing I need my game to have is excellent graphics, and performance"

I want that too. Bring on the excellent graphics and performance.. Where are you getting yours from?

Quote: "I will try to make as realistic as possible. For a lot of the game development will probably be drag and drop"

Again, what you are describing is scene building and just one small part of creating a game. Also dragging and dropping won't make it realistic. You don't think you can just drag and drop a tree model and have it swaying in the wind with the sun shining though it's branches and leaves did you?.

Sorry to be harsh but your expectations are way short of reality. Dreams are great and I'd say go for them but don't ask how to make those dreams a reality until you've at least gained some experience in reality first.

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