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Raspberry Pi / ERROR: When running the game

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Posted: 31st Jul 2019 01:32
Error When running the game

Information of installed libraries

It does not allow to install the V3, it always requires installing the V4.
How can it be solved?

Version S.O.
Raspbian Buster with desktop and recommended software
Version:July 2019
Release date:2019-07-10
Kernel version:4.19

I have followed all the steps, but it does not work:
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Posted: 6th Aug 2019 13:13
Did you get it up and running by now?
And if so, how?
I have the same problem.

The GC-support gives the tip: you may be able to work around it by installing libcurl3 (which would remove libcurl4) by opening a terminal and running the following command sudo apt install libcurl3 libcurl-openssl1.0-dev
I will try this tonight ...
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Posted: 6th Aug 2019 16:59

You can't or won't leave ...
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Posted: 11th Aug 2019 02:22 Edited at: 11th Aug 2019 02:23
yep, having the same issue. I have been trying to revert libcurl back to 3 with little luck. I hope this will be in a future update of raspberry pi AGK. I will post anything if I get a good work around.

side note is app game studio gonna support raspberry pi? Or have a version for it?
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Posted: 11th Aug 2019 02:55
Raspbian is always constantly updated, compilation after compilation.

The problem is that it can happen, (and I think it is already happening ...) AppGameKit does not update the new libraries for the current Raspbian system, this is a problem for any user who wants to enjoy our AppGameKit games.

You must be accompanied by instructions for installing libraries by terminal, before running the AppGameKit game.
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Posted: 11th Aug 2019 09:58
The support has now created an update for the PiPlayer and given me for testing. The libraries were packed in the player, so there should be no more problems. There is still a problem with the "debug" button, but the programs are running again. I am currently clarifying whether I may make the file available here in the forum, or whether there will be an update in a short time.
I have to say: a very dedicated development team! Apparently TGC is quite interested in keeping the Pi software up to date. That makes me happy.
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Posted: 11th Aug 2019 10:01
Sovsov: Yes. You can use the studio and run the created programs on the Pi. Simply copy the media folder from the Windows project into the media folder of a Raspberry Pi project and it will run on the Raspberry Pi. The media folder contains a bytecode.byc file which is your compiled app, the actual executables are the same for all AppGameKit apps and simply run the bytecode.
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Posted: 12th Aug 2019 17:18
Awesome Thank you Onomatopoesie! Appreciate it!
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Posted: 12th Aug 2019 17:56
It's very good news, for support for Raspberry Pi
I consider it a great platform for the most RetroGamers, (Recallbox, RetroPie), Multimedia Center, etc ...
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Posted: 12th Aug 2019 18:33
I feel the same way. It is wise to offer AppGameKit for free, because it is interesting for teaching in schools. And who knows the language then, may also be interested in creating apps for PC, Android, etc. and buys the studio.
I would like to create small games for my son on the Pi. The performance of PyGame and PyGame Zero does not seem to be like AGK's - and the development process is more difficult and less comfortable.
I would be very happy if AppGameKit would run stable on the Pi in the future.
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Posted: 16th Aug 2019 19:09
I have now received news from TGC. Probably in the beginning of September there will be an official update for AppGameKit Classic - as well as for the Pi. I attach the updated PiPlayer, so that you also have the opportunity to develop on the Pi in the meantime. It is a test file, however - the update may contain other fixes. I noticed two bugs: The file can be played via "run". "Debug" still does not work. I also noticed that the TextInput is broken. No font is displayed and no input is stored. Can you confirm these mistakes?

Place the new player in the "AGKPi/Tier1/Compiler/interpreters/" folder then compile in the IDE as normal, or run it standalone and broadcast to it.


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Posted: 16th Aug 2019 19:39
Thank you! For the contribution, much thanks!

" I also noticed that the TextInput is broken. No font is displayed and no input is stored. Can you confirm these mistakes?"

It's true, I reported it many months ago! especially for a project in development that I need the player to enter his name ...
Return the empty string function! And it does not render the text to print

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Posted: 16th Aug 2019 20:15
I do not have the impression that the developers often look into the forum. Does it not make more sense to contact the team directly in case of such mistakes?
Hubert BAYRE
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2019 08:30
Onomatopoesie could you explain more "the actual executables are the same for all AppGameKit apps and simply run the bytecode.

in fact how to execute directly the bytecode file on pi4. (step by step)

many thanks

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2019 10:09 Edited at: 23rd Aug 2019 10:16
@Hubert BAYRE, the PiPlayer is an executable file (or should be set to be executable if it ain't already) and is, in fact, the program that is running, your code is stored in bytecode.byc file, the PiPlayer is reading that code and doing the stuff you specified in your code.

EDIT: If you put PiPlayer in your programs folder, it will run the bytecode.byc file that is in the media folder in that programs folder. /some_app/PiPlayer will read /some_app/media/bytecode.byc. You can save the PiPlayer from this thread in /AGK/Tier 1/Compiler/interpreters/. I think what happens then is that AppGameKit copy PiPlayer to your program folder if it doesn't already contain a current PiPlayer (so you should the delete the old PiPlayer from your program folder (I think the PiPlayer here will have the name of your app instead of PiPlayer), but when you update AppGameKit with a new update like the one scheduled for september AppGameKit will automatically update PiPlayer in your program folder when compiling again).
Hubert BAYRE
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2019 10:46
many thanks Cybermind.

hope tgc could also post a tutorial how to correctly install agk classic on a pi4 !!! (with the and the legacy gl driver (sudo rasp-config...))
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2019 11:06
So AppGameKit would already be compatible for the new Pi4?
It's just curiosity, I just have the pi3 b +
Hubert BAYRE
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2019 23:13
on my new pi4 4Go with Onomatopoesie piplayer i can now compile the classics agk projects. But not correctly run them. i just have a black window.
my own project not work too.
agk ide works well.

i don't know if somebody test agk on pi4 without problem.

(note that all is ok with my pi2 but too slow for me)
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Posted: 24th Aug 2019 10:31
Try starting your app from terminal with ./app_name

This may give you some output that can tell you what is missing/wrong. I will check back later today
Hubert BAYRE
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Posted: 25th Aug 2019 19:15

i've just compiled samples from the Projects folder, ... nothing (also tested with terminal ... sorry no output)

Somebody here have a pi4 to confirm ?
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Posted: 25th Aug 2019 19:45
Mine is only a Pi2, sorry. Did you use ./ before the app name?
Hubert BAYRE
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Posted: 25th Aug 2019 19:56
Should be a problem with pi4
Hubert BAYRE
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Posted: 25th Aug 2019 19:57
Hope tgc could have a pi4 to test...
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Posted: 26th Aug 2019 06:53
Since Rasbian does not offer a 64-bit version either, I decided to use the Pi 3. The Pi 4 is just too "new" to be supported stably, I'm afraid. Therefore I can not test it unfortunately.

Not surprisingly, the IDE is stable. The IDE uses Geany - and that is since Buster also the default editor.

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