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AppGameKit Studio Chat / Any trick to avoid the unestetic 1024x768 window when my game launches?

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Posted: 31st Jul 2019 13:22
My game starts up fast enough, but there is one second at launch where it shows a 1024x768 window before going to fullscreen. In AGK2, it went to fullscreen immediately,
Are there any tricks to fix this? I know I'm only talking about a one-second issue, but it kind of draws a lot of attention to itself. Without this window, the game would appear to start immediately.
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Posted: 31st Jul 2019 16:29
i can cofirm that - although the roots of this behaviour can be examined in AppGameKit C as well, as the bright window borders transform into a complete black screen within a split second
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Posted: 31st Jul 2019 16:52
try "unesthetic"
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Dark Raven
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2019 06:03
I believe the only way would rebuild the player through the tier 2 player projects and set the default settings for width, height, and fullscreen though I am just guessing.
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2019 07:22
or not opening a window as a standard
or buffering at startup before displaying
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Posted: 6th Aug 2019 10:31 Edited at: 6th Aug 2019 10:31
I just found out that the window only appears when the render is set to Vulcan:

#renderer "Basic" rem This use the basic OpenGL render. No popup window
#renderer "Advanced" rem This use Vulcan render. Popup window appears
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Posted: 6th Aug 2019 12:48 Edited at: 6th Aug 2019 12:48
i can't confirm this ; it's the same short appearance of the window-flash, whether it's basic or advanced -

having said that, "basic" and "advanced" could have been case insensitive !
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Posted: 6th Aug 2019 13:00
You're right, Increase. It appears in either case. But with "Basic" it is much shorter, at least with my code on my machine.
Dark Raven
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Posted: 8th Aug 2019 05:42
The problem is with the player itself. It can really be seen when you look at the core file of tier 2 template. A window is created before any code is executed. The window is set to 1024x728 by default. So in tier one the player creates the initial window before the interpreter reads any of the byte code. So when you say to go to full screen the player has already created the window and that is where the flashing comes from. This default window size seems to affect Linux based platforms on the bounds commands as the bounds are working off of the default window size and not what I tell it to be.

So on the tier 2 side of thing if we change that default window size it will star at the size or full screen initially and since tier 1 player is actually a tier 2 program in the current state there is nothing that can change this without rebuilding the player.
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Posted: 8th Aug 2019 06:41
well explained ; that's why we have to put constant pressure, so that the developers grind the diamond
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