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AppGameKit Studio Chat / How to make in-game cutscene?

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Posted: 5th Aug 2019 20:56
I am wondering how to solve this issue. Do you have any tip/trick how to animate camera, in a way that you can stage scene properly. For me triggering dialogues and body animation is not a problem, bot how to make precise camera movements and cuts without wasting hours and hours of time nailing them by entering numeric values until keyboard brokes?
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Posted: 5th Aug 2019 21:23
Give yourself an 'edit mode' where you can pause the scene but still control a free flight camera and can capture location/ rotation data once you have it where you want it then resume through to the next shot

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Posted: 5th Aug 2019 23:44
If it's a 3D scene why not add objects at waypoints, then record their position and delete them when you load the scene
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Posted: 10th Aug 2019 12:48
You use the camera tweening options. As mentioned, you just need to capture start positions and angle, end positions and angle, then the rest is automatic. Ypu can even alter the destination dynamically as it plays. It's dead easy.
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Posted: 10th Aug 2019 15:26
Quote: "Ypu can even alter the destination dynamically as it plays."

You mean with new debugging options in Studio?
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Posted: 10th Aug 2019 17:41
No. Tweening works with a start set of cords, then and end set, which plays over a period of time. You can change the end cords at any time through the playing sequence and the camera will change accordingly, it's not set in stone.

So you could, for example, set it to run for ten minutes, but keep updating the end position to get a tracking camera .
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Posted: 10th Aug 2019 17:42
But, for a cut scene, you would make lots of individual movements, then make them a chain to play I sequence.
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Posted: 10th Aug 2019 19:17
For movements in a straight line I guess it won't be problematic, but to program arc movements of camera (orbiting) - I guess that will be a real challenge .
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Posted: 10th Aug 2019 22:09
No.....AGK does it all for you with interpolation. That's how I do it my game.

Just try it, super easy.

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