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AppGameKit Studio Chat / some requests please

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Location: France
Posted: 11th Aug 2019 12:54 Edited at: 11th Aug 2019 13:08
Hello ,

I just acquired AppGameKit Studio

I currently have 2 requests to make

1- can you make a doc in French
I know that Anglophones think that the whole world speaks English... but that's not the case! LOL
2- at best make the help text , selectable , so that you can copy and paste it into a translator.....

Thank you in advance

something else, add a code formatting via key presses (ex : Ctrl+Tab )

so that when you select a code part
this one gets in shape

If toto= 14

If toto= 14
Carpe Diem
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Joined: 7th Jun 2017
Posted: 11th Aug 2019 13:46 Edited at: 11th Aug 2019 13:47
Regarding selecting the help text: A workaround is opening the raw .html files in a web browser. On my system, they are found here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\AppGameKit Studio\media\Help
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Location: France
Posted: 11th Aug 2019 14:02 Edited at: 11th Aug 2019 14:02
good idea Thanks
Carpe Diem
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Location: France
Posted: 11th Aug 2019 14:49 Edited at: 11th Aug 2019 15:10

If I talked about this, it's that from the help in the Studio ide,
we can't select the text!

otherwise, you can imagine that I would have known how to use a translator

ps i prefere "Translate Whole Page"
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Posted: 12th Aug 2019 05:17 Edited at: 12th Aug 2019 05:18
Regarding OPs 2nd request - this is a quite common feature in many languages. Although this linting process (static check for pre-compile programming and style errors) is usually done on saving the source file.

It would be a nice feature for AppGameKit Studio to have. Personally I'd prefer AppGameKit to be separated into two 'modules' as it were. The language with various command-line tooling and the editor. Then one could use say VSCode to write Tier 1 AppGameKit code - after someone somewhere wrote an AppGameKit plugin for VSCode.

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