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AppGameKit Studio Chat / AGKVR is now broken in both AGK2 and AGKS

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Posted: 12th Aug 2019 09:53
What to say? It is so sad.
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Posted: 12th Aug 2019 15:34
Hopefully you have more to say about the problem so they can fix it ?
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Posted: 12th Aug 2019 15:41
Bug reports need be slightly more detailed than OPs effort.

Description of bug, how it manifest itself and how to reproduce at a minimum. Ideally include some sort of media or code that will demo the bug.
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Posted: 12th Aug 2019 19:35
Sorry about the lack of effort, I had a bit of a slow day. The included VR demos refused to compile. That's mostly it. I'm on my mobile right now, so can't quote the error message, but for AGK2 it was a sort of default error which I have encountered before when my current game didn't have the latest version of the VR extention. With AGKS, the error message was just .. weird.
Ron Erickson
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Posted: 13th Aug 2019 14:05
There is no reason that I can think of that the current version won't work anymore. I'll try to test as soon as I can, but it probably won't be this week due to my crazy schedule. FYI, I'm currently working on an update to AGKVR which will bring it up to the current version of OpenVR and allow it to work with the Vulkan rendering in AppGameKit Studio.

a.k.a WOLF!
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Posted: 13th Aug 2019 16:49
Hopefully, it's just me who screws things up somehow... Looking forward to that update!
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Posted: 14th Aug 2019 19:03
hey all,

today i bought AGKVR and just now reading problems of others here... prolly i should read this page first... but ill try to describe my issue...

when i try to compile VR example, i get message:

"Failed to load plugin "AGKVR" required by this app, it may not be avaible for this platform"

im steam user, i checked all installation folders, added api file into project folder dolder, AppGameKit and Steam see installed VR plugin, i use ACER AH101 headset under W10, installed "Mixed Reality Portal" and "Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR"

please let me know, if i did all ok, and if u are working on this issue and aprox when it should be working



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Posted: 16th Aug 2019 11:19
@ karel I had this same issue and managed to sort it myself. I had checked the "windows 64-bit" option in the EDIT>preferences>build menu, once I unchecked that, everything worked fine. Hope that helps you too!
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Posted: 16th Aug 2019 18:27
@ houndog66, thanks!! it helped -> app castle is running, but it renders only to AppGameKit window and not to VR and also not to VR preview window (steam preview and mixed reality portal preview), i tried to check AppGameKit VR User Guide.pdf, there no word about 64bit, but np, i would to move only from stuck to i can try code. is here any topic, where i could get more information?



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Posted: 16th Aug 2019 22:43
karel, out of curiosity, what is your VR equipment?

While AppGameKit studio still gives errors for me, but after doing the non 64 bit trick, AGK2 is up and running. I'm on Oculus CV1.
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Posted: 17th Aug 2019 00:04
@ basicFanatic, i wrote bit earlier, but>

im steam user, ....., i use ACER AH101 headset under W10, installed "Mixed Reality Portal" and "Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR"

i attached steam vr options printscreen, i expected it will works easy... maybe/prolly i do something wrong, idk what .d

thanks for replies, opinions, ideas


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