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Geek Culture / [LOCKED] You know you want it: A conversation! :D :D :D

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Posted: 26th Dec 2003 06:36 Edited at: 26th Dec 2003 06:37
One night, a school mate of mine who had not found out that I'd "lost my faith" IM'd me...His name has been edited to "christian" to spare his identity. "John" is a friend of mine who's an atheist, and a well-known one around our school.

Quote: "(christian): ur not a christian??
HZence: no
HZence: i'm sorry
(christian): sorry to hear that
HZence: yeah i know i'm just going to hell.
(christian): that does sound inviting doesnt it
(christian): burning for eternity
(christian): sounds like a blast
HZence: you're a moron.
(christian): did john get to u
HZence: now i think you're even more of a moron.
HZence: no this has nothing to do with john.
HZence: ok let me correct myself.
HZence: you're not a moron.
(christian): y am i a moron
HZence: you're just confused.
(christian): no i am not
(christian): ur the confused one my friend
HZence: yeah i know, i don't have a clue.
HZence: well the way you just were describing hell, sounded like you were trying to scare me.
HZence: could be wrong.
HZence: just the way i took it.
(christian): i am just saying
(christian): if thats where i u want to go
(christian): i am sorry to hear taht
HZence: well that's peachy.
HZence: but what happens if there isn't a hell?
HZence: what happens if you're wrong?
(christian): what happens if there IS a hell
(christian): then so be it
HZence: i've already contemplated that for sixteen years of my life.
HZence: then i woke up.
HZence: because i considered that Christianity may be wrong.
(christian): all i know is that i believe that jesus christ is my savior and i will see him in heaven one day
HZence: that i might be brainwashed.
HZence: oh ok.
HZence: yeah you know that.
(christian): my proof is the bible
HZence: well maybe if you keep telling yourself that it will actually become true.
(christian): its all in there for u
HZence: oh ok.
HZence: how often do you read the bible?
(christian): i dunno
(christian): dude what happend to u
HZence: funny.
(christian): in 10th grade me and u were trying to get to john
(christian): and now u r just the same as him
HZence: *sigh*
HZence: i am not the same as john.
HZence: he is an atheist.
HZence: i am agnostic.
(christian): no u r def athiest
(christian): u r against god now
HZence: i am not against god.
(christian): cuz u think it is brainwashed
HZence: you don't know what an atheist is
(christian): then y did u say its not true
HZence: i didn't say it wasn't true.
(christian): its somebody who doesnt beleive in God
HZence: i said what happens if it isn't true?
HZence: no
HZence: an atheist
(christian): well u r questioning him
(christian): thats just as bad as not beleiving hiim
HZence: atheist. break down the work.
HZence: atheist.
HZence: anti theist.
HZence: against theism.
HZence: against creationism.
HZence: against the theory that we were created.
(christian): so ur into evolution??
HZence: i am not an atheist.
HZence: NO
HZence: i just said i'm NOT an atheist
(christian): ok
(christian): y r u questioning God then
HZence: do you even know what it means to be agnostic?
(christian): u question things
(christian): like if there is a heaven or a hell
HZence: well.
HZence: here's the dictionary definition:
HZence: One who is skeptical about the existence of God.
HZence: that's me.
HZence: why am I a skeptic?
HZence: i woke up.
HZence: now back to what you were saying...
HZence: you're proof is the bible.
HZence: how do you know for a fact that it's all entirely true?
(christian): i have faith in it
(christian): so i beleive in
(christian): it
(christian): if i am wrong i am wrong
(christian): i dont question my faith
HZence: that's the problem.
HZence: anyway.
HZence: do you accept that there is a possibility that you are wrong?
(christian): nope
HZence: why not?
(christian): cuz
HZence: oh ok.
HZence: that explains it.
(christian): u just dont
(christian): i have no need to question it
(christian): i just know that one day i will rejoice in heaven
HZence: oh on the contrary...
HZence: you have no idea what your "faith" is holding you back from.
HZence: and by that, i don't mean "sin" or "worldly values".
HZence: there are so many more things you could be accomplishing.
HZence: but back to this bible issue.
HZence: have you read it from beginning to end?
(christian): all scripture is god-breathed
(christian): quote from the bible
(christian): so all the prophets who wrote the bible did it through god
HZence: interesting.
(christian): indeed
HZence: all of it is god-breathed huh?
(christian): yup
HZence: ok
HZence: well there's something you need to see then
HZence: just a sec...
HZence: lol sorry i'm taking long
(christian): its fine
HZence: ok.
HZence: Exodus 32:14 "And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people."
(christian): that is relented not repented
HZence: ok
HZence: i just copied and pasted
HZence: so whoever typed it typed it wrong
HZence: Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man, that he should lie..."
HZence: compare these
(christian): i dont know where u r goin with these quotes
HZence: and tell me what you think.
HZence: just compare them
HZence: i understand because the version i'm looking at is a little confusing.
(christian): heres one for u
HZence: no no.
(christian): have u ever seen asia
HZence: you already gave me one.
HZence: you have to look at these
(christian): answer me
(christian): have u ever seen asia
HZence: no, who the hell cares, compare my verses.
(christian): then how do u know its there
HZence: because someone told me.
HZence: guess what?
HZence: they could be lying?
HZence: ever consider that?
(christian): ok
HZence: nah
HZence: of course not
HZence: why would they lie?
(christian): y would god lie about the bible
HZence: I didn't say God did.
HZence: i said there is a chance that people did.
HZence: anyway.
HZence: back to my verses.
(christian): it says that they did it through god
HZence: Numbers 23:19 "God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should repent. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfil it?"

Exodus 32:14 "And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do to his people."
HZence: now wait, lets look at these.
HZence: the first one clearly states that god doesn't change. not even his mind.
HZence: and the second one - what?
HZence: he changed his mind?
HZence: gee.
HZence: how the hell does that work?
(christian): just a sec
HZence: ok.
(christian): basically man r the ones that lie and man r the ones that change their mindes and god is not a man
HZence: so what?
(christian): and doesnt behave in the way a man does
HZence: that's not what those bible verses say!
HZence: they contradict each other
HZence: CON
HZence: TRA
HZence: DIC
HZence: TION
HZence: IN
HZence: THE
HZence: BIBLE!
HZence: well apparently he is like a man if he changed his mind.
HZence: either that.
HZence: or someone screwed up majorly.
(christian): the reas on y in the second one is moses sought the favor of the lord he prayed and interseeded for the people before the lord
(christian): he prayed for them
(christian): and god answered his prayer
(christian): and did not bring the thretened he had planed
(christian): because somebody prayed
(christian): and he answere their pray
HZence: that doesn't not change it from being a contradiction.
HZence: here.
HZence: let's stop this for one secon.d
(christian): it is def not a contradiction
(christian): 2 diff situations
HZence: oh but it is my friend.
(christian): u have to read the scriotures aroudn the scriprture
HZence: do you believe your God is omniscient?
(christian): or u could read it wrong
HZence: I KNOW
HZence: but those verses are CRYSTAL CLEAR
(christian): which u have done
HZence: now
HZence: NO
HZence: LOL
HZence: i didn't
HZence: those verses are so damn clear its ridiculous
HZence: and you ASSUMED i didn't read around them
HZence: totally.
HZence: now
HZence: do you believe your god is omniscient?
(christian): what does that mean
HZence: all knowing?
HZence: do you believe he is all knowing?
(christian): do u believer that?
(christian): believe*
HZence: hey, for all i know, he ISNT EVEN THERE.
HZence: this isn't about ME.
HZence: it's about YOU.
HZence: i am asking YOU a question
(christian): no
(christian): it is about u
HZence: do YOU believe that your god is all knowing
HZence: LOL
HZence: stop trying to weasle your way out of it
(christian): cuz u will answer for u in the end times
HZence: answer the question.
(christian): what r u chances against an all knowing god
HZence: oh
HZence: so you're saying you believe that he's all knowing then?
(christian): absolutely
HZence: ok
HZence: now listen
HZence: just listen
HZence: if god is all knowing
HZence: then he KNEW he wasn't going to destroy those people
HZence: he KNEW it was going to happen
HZence: that he wouldn't destory them
HZence: yet he said that he was going to anyway
HZence: which means he lied
HZence: OR
(christian): k
HZence: god changed his mind, which totally contradicts what christianity states.
HZence: either way
HZence: it doesn't make sense.
(christian): he answered the prayer
(christian): thats y he stopped
(christian): he listens so he allowed the prayer to be answered
(christian): did u hear the story of jonah
HZence: yeah
HZence: but listen
HZence: you said he changed his mind because he answered the prayer
HZence: ok
HZence: but
HZence: that means he changed his mind
HZence: so
HZence: at least one part of the bible HAS to be wrong
(christian): cuz he answeres prayers
(christian): thats y he changed his mind
HZence: you're "proof" has a giant HOLE in it
(christian): well how bout u ask him if its wrong
HZence: .....?
HZence: yeah and i'm sure he'll anser me.
(christian): probably not cuz he doesnt exist for u
HZence: LOL
HZence: i didn't say he doesn't exist
(christian): u took him out of ur life
HZence: god
HZence: i said there's a change he doesn't exist
HZence: listen.
HZence: the last prayer i ever said was
(christian): well then there is no god if he doesnt exist
HZence: "God, if you're there, give me some kind of evidence, some kind of proof that you're there. Anything"
HZence: i'm still waiting
HZence: and you're so called proof isn't doing it for me
(christian): continue to wait
HZence: do i need to point something else out for you?
HZence: because i will
(christian): and continue to ask
HZence: i'm searching
HZence: which is why i'm having this argument with you
(christian): continue to search
(christian): dontgive up
HZence: but this certainly won't "bring me back to God" because you don't have any ground to stand on
HZence: everything you're telling me i've heard so many times before
HZence: it's funny
HZence: as a christian, everyone doesn't seem to care about you
HZence: but
HZence: suddenly when i lose my faith
HZence: so many christians are jumping to try and convert you
(christian): thats sad
(christian): if u think that
(christian): i care about u
HZence: think?
HZence: THINK?!
HZence: lol
HZence: it's experience
(christian): weather ur a christian or not
HZence: as a christian, OTHER CHRISTIANS DO NOT SEEM TO CARE ABOUT YOU....they never talk to you or anything or ask how you're life is
HZence: but then when i lost my faith
HZence: it seems like they want to jump down your throat
(christian): that tells u that the state of the church is not good
(christian): i am not talking about church
(christian): i am talking about a personnal relationship with god
(christian): alright
(christian): we will talk later
(christian): i gotta go
HZence: alright.
HZence: "go with god"
(christian): i will always talk to u about it
HZence: oh i'm sure you will
(christian): will do my friend
(christian): i will go with god
HZence: ok
(christian): later man
HZence: tell him i say hi.
HZence: yup
(christian): will do"

And later, the conflict was resolved...

Quote: "(christian): did i get to u at all?
HZence: what do you mean by "get to u"
(christian): like did i make u think
HZence: jordan...
HZence: don't take it personally...
HZence: but nothing you said was something new
HZence: all of your arguments were ones that I have heard before
(christian): ok
HZence: it was nothing that would totally "blow me away"
(christian): well i tried
(christian): in that case u made me feel like a bad christian
HZence: jordan
HZence: if it makes you feel any better
HZence: there's really no such thing as a good christian
HZence: or good atheist
HZence: or good human being
HZence: everyone has their faults
HZence: you didn't do anything wrong
(christian): i know
(christian): well it just bothered me
HZence: you did what you believed you ought to do, to the best of your knowledge
(christian): cuz all of a sudden u changed
(christian): but oh well
HZence: it wasn't all of a sudden
HZence: it was gradual
(christian): well it was to me
(christian): well
HZence: I didn't just wake up one day and decide to not be a Christian.
(christian): ididnt really talk to u tat much this year
(christian): and then i read ur info
HZence: what about my info?
HZence: the link?
(christian): yeah
(christian): what did u mean by john got in trouble for being an athiest
HZence: that was a joke.
(christian): ok
HZence: he got grounded for something
HZence: and then as a joke i said "that's what he gets for being an atheist"
(christian): oh
HZence: indeed
(christian): do u think u will ever become a christian again
HZence: I could
HZence: but who am I to say what will happen
(christian): yeah
(christian): i will pray for u
(christian): if that helps
HZence: if you believe that it will "help", by all means, pray
(christian): i will
(christian): u know what really pissed me off
(christian): when i was talkin to u earlier
(christian): john imed me and said that i am wrong so dont even bother
HZence: well
HZence: john's an atheist
(christian): yeah
HZence: but you see, you saying "i know i'm right" is the same as saying "i know you're wrong".
HZence: so how do you think tons of other people feel
(christian): i believe i am right
(christian): u dont agree
(christian): thats ok
(christian): we dont all beleive the same thing
HZence: well john believes he is right
HZence: and you don't agree
HZence: that's not ok
HZence: because those who share your beliefs don't seem to leave him alone
HZence: now they do
HZence: now that he's become openly atheistic
HZence: before people kept preaching to him
HZence: and he got sick of it
HZence: that's one reason why he's so openly against religion
(christian): yeah
(christian): i can tell
(christian): were u being sarcastic when u said "go with god"
HZence: i was being totally sarcastic
(christian): i though so
(christian): did u ever talk to ur pastor about it
(christian): i am sure he could help
HZence: yeah.
HZence: a lot.
(christian): even if u r not a christian
HZence: had a huge long conversation with him.
(christian): really
(christian): how did it go
HZence: well
HZence: i just told him the grips i had with the church
HZence: *gripes
HZence: our church specifically
HZence: and what it came down to was
HZence: we disagreed
(christian): oh
HZence: yeah.
(christian): so u just gave up
HZence: on what?
HZence: the church?
HZence: or christianity
(christian): talkin to ur pastor
HZence: no
HZence: he was the pastor on duty
HZence: so he got a phonecall from a guy
HZence: and i had to go
(christian): oh
(christian): did u ever think about talkin to him more
HZence: yes
HZence: i haven't had time though
HZence: he's been gone
(christian): o
(christian): well thats good u r wanting to talk to him
HZence: i do
HZence: i'm not closed minded
HZence: i like to hear both sides
(christian): yeah
(christian): so were still cool right
HZence: jordan
HZence: i have no reason to hold that against you
(christian): ok good
HZence: haha.
HZence: i'm agnostic...not a moron
HZence: lol
(christian): lol
(christian): ur easier to talk to then john
HZence: how so
(christian): i dunno
(christian): john has been like this for a long time
(christian): and he like studied the bible
(christian): for false things
HZence: well yeah
HZence: but he was a christain
HZence: i don't how long he was a christian for
HZence: that can actually make a big difference
(christian): yeah
(christian): well i am goin to bed
(christian): goodnight man
HZence: night"

Well, I said plenty of wrong & stupid things just like him. I just want to know what you guys think....tell me what I said wrong, etc.

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John H
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Posted: 26th Dec 2003 07:09
Quote: "(christian): all i know is that i believe that jesus christ is my savior and i will see him in heaven one day"

Personally, I am with him

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Eric T
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Posted: 26th Dec 2003 07:20
errrrr... you mite wanna check there, i bleive you let his name slip..

other then that, that kid should just keep his religious opinions outta cnversations, and stop trying to convert people..

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Ian T
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Posted: 26th Dec 2003 09:46
Tch tch, stop bothering people because of their religion, and stop beating a dead cat on the forums. Just because you've changed your belief system dosen't make you superior, and sure as all heckout dosen't make for good content for two posts.

--Mouse: Famous (Avatarless) Fighting Furball

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Posted: 26th Dec 2003 20:06 Edited at: 26th Dec 2003 20:08
what are you talking about mouse? did you even read that? he was bothering me - he IM'd ME!

i am not implying that i'm superior. i didn't even say it. god, now i really wanna know where you got that. thanks a lot.

and now that i look at it, what do you mean by two posts? these are two different subjects...

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Posted: 26th Dec 2003 20:58 Edited at: 26th Dec 2003 20:58
Hot Dam!

And Im also with RPGamer.

The bible is like a time mushine. It tells you thing that are going to hapen. I bet in all those 16 years you were just fitoling with
your thumbs.

I dont know how to spell
David T
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Posted: 26th Dec 2003 21:06

I fail to see why this is posted. What was the point? I'm sure I'm speaking for most people here that we're not going to spend 20 minutes reading a transcript of some bickering between friends!

Sorry to come down on you like this, but take a look back - it was rather pointless I'm afraid I'm with mouse on this one.

Quote: "what are you talking about mouse? did you even read that?"

probably not

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Posted: 26th Dec 2003 21:10
All I can say HZence is you're stupid to even have that conversation, especially if you want to maintain that friendship.

If you don't believe in god, you can't reason with someone who does and vice versa. Think how stupid christianity is to you (assuming you think the same way as me) - how illogical, and stupid it is. That's how they feel about NOT believing in God, just in a slightly different way.

You can't come to any conclusions with a conversation where people believe each side like that - especially seeing as neither side can disprove the other.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2003 02:50
OK, here is why YOU GUYS ARE STUPID:

I DID NOT INITIATE THAT AT ALL. He started the conversation.

Quote: "stop bothering people because of their religion"


It is AMUSING that you're saying that TO ME - ASSUMING totally that I was bothering him because of HIS religion, because of HIS beliefs. That is ridiculous. How many times do i have to say that he started the conversation? That's the way it always is. I don't go looking for trouble.

Quote: "I fail to see why this is posted"

I told you why I posted it. You could have at least read the purpose unless that's too much to ask...

Quote: "All I can say HZence is you're stupid to even have that conversation, especially if you want to maintain that friendship."

You should be telling him that.

Lock this god damn thread already

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Posted: 27th Dec 2003 03:05
Hmm, not to mention, we acutally talked it out in the end.

If you wouldn't have jumped to conclusions....

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Ian T
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Posted: 27th Dec 2003 03:25
'OK, here is why YOU GUYS ARE STUPID:'

Once again, HZense flaunts his superiority complex. Yup, sure: the whole forum is stupid but HZense is smart. Everyone's driving the other way on the highway, but yeah, they're the crazy ones.

--Mouse: Famous (Avatarless) Fighting Furball

Ian T
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Posted: 27th Dec 2003 03:44
'Well the whole thread was suggestive (a leading question), and the gullible fell for it.'

Unless HZense is either your creation, servant or alter-IP-ego, I don't think you can know that-- he got bloody pissed off when people didn't start doing what he wanted. Perhaps I fell for some grander scheme, however-- who knows .

--Mouse: Famous (Avatarless) Fighting Furball

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Posted: 27th Dec 2003 04:06
Quote: "Once again, HZense flaunts his superiority complex. Yup, sure: the whole forum is stupid but HZense is smart. Everyone's driving the other way on the highway, but yeah, they're the crazy ones."

Mouse...what the hell is your problem with me? Superiority? WHAT AM I SAYING THAT IS IMPLYING THAT I THINK I AM SUPERIOR? You didn't EVEN respond to that question that I asked you earlier!

Mouse, I didn't say whole forum, I was talking about the people that assumed things. In fact, I don't even know why I say people, specifically it's you. Superiority? Crazy ones? You're driving ME crazy. what are you talking about by superiority..gah. I don't know what to say to you man. I give up. Hope you feel better about yourself now.

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Posted: 27th Dec 2003 04:08
Quote: " he got bloody pissed off when people didn't start doing what he wanted"

againt, i don't know what you're talking about. DOING WHAT I WANTED??? getting off subject...i just wanted people to help me out a bit...god i'm pissing myself off too much

i don't know what to say to you man

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Posted: 27th Dec 2003 04:13

HZense, are you even reading your own threads?


Gee, that sounds a bit like you think you're better to me, unless you're saying that you're similarly stupid.

--Mouse: Famous (Avatarless) Fighting Furball

John H
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Posted: 27th Dec 2003 04:58
OK Ill lock it.

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