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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / Cimex Mortis: A Game Created for the Community Game Jam, Now in Full Production?

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Posted: 1st Sep 2019 00:12 Edited at: 1st Sep 2019 00:12
Cimex Mortis

In Cimex Mortis you play as a highly advanced alien nano-bot sent to destroy a terrain body from the inside. At least that’s what is actually happening. From the very start, the player is tricked into thinking they are a human soldier, sent into an alien hive in order to eradicate the invaders and kill the queen. Throughout play, the game will encourage the player to kill all alien bodies and absorb their own energy, in order to destroy the queen ship, piece by piece, until arriving at the queen to deliver the final blow. The player will be tasked with destroying main ship systems, such as propulsion systems, energy converters, main energy delivery systems, and finally the main alien computer systems...but in actuality they are human body systems such as the heart, lungs, and brain. Once the player has ended the alien menace and killed the queen, the final reveal will show the player they were the bad-guy all along, they were the alien, killing a human, and in short, helping start a microscopic alien invasion of earth. In the end, all humans die, and long live the alien empire!

This game was created and entered into the Community Game Jam on, produce over the past week. The production team included myself and five other incredible coders and media makers. Now that the competition is in the voting stage, we have all discussed continuing the project, and bringing it to the original Game Design's vision. I'll be posting updates here, and for now, enjoy the v0.2 demo and let us know your feedback.

Gameplay Video


The Team
Kasper Hviid


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Captain Ouais
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Posted: 1st Sep 2019 21:40
Hi the good team

The idea of the game is very good !!

business to follow !!!
I do what i do !!!
Cliff Mellangard 3DEGS
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Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 4th Sep 2019 01:06
Quote: " Now that the competition is in the voting stage, we have all discussed continuing the project, and bringing it to the original Game Design's vision. "

That is one ironic thing about Jams; the time constraints prohibit the work, even though they force you to get more done in that short amount of time.

Awesome job guys, and definitely deserving of more time than that Jam allowed.

Coding things my way since 1981 -- Currently using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1

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