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Raspberry Pi / can you start a game created with agk2 for raspberry pi via raspbian lite without desktop?

Antonio Buono
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Posted: 3rd Oct 2019 13:24
I have a raspberry pi 3 b with raspbian buster, I have installed agk2 for raspberry pi, and created a play for children ... now I would like to make this game run automatically on my device but without the desktop and without it being there a keyboard command that lets you get out of the game ... is there a way to do all this?

forgive my English, I am Italian and I have difficulty translating well ... thanks to everyone
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Posted: 5th Oct 2019 19:21
When you say without desktop, I would think you mean an app without GUI and only runs in console with text output, or do you mean something else? But console apps can be done, altthough I can't get my RPi2 to compile C++ console apps at the moment. And for the keys that lets you get out of the game, on Windows I can just leave out ALT+F4 from the app which makes it harder to quit the app.

Here is a link to how to make apps autostart:
Antonio Buono
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Posted: 7th Oct 2019 18:42
thank you for having responded, in practice I would like to take advantage of raspbian lite and that is without gui, but my application is nothing but a 3d game ...
is there a way to do it?
Antonio Buono
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Posted: 7th Oct 2019 19:28

I read the recommended web page, but it speaks to me of python programs ... following the instructions it does not work for me, by chance the appgamekit executables have a different extension and must be started in another way?
the guide says to write the name of the executable file in this way

[Desktop Entry]
Type = Application
Name = Clock
Exec = / usr / bin / python3 /home/pi/

I don't think it's usable in agk2 games
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Posted: 7th Oct 2019 20:58
The Name and Exec should be changed to your apps stuff, like Name = My App and Exec = /home/pi/AGKApps/myAGKapp

You can't run a 3D app without the desktop environment though.
Antonio Buono
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Posted: 7th Oct 2019 22:03
Solved, thanks for the help ...
you were really very kind

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