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Raspberry Pi / tecnica per muovere un oggetto 3d in base alla sua direzione su tutti e tre gli assi

Antonio Buono
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Joined: 7th Feb 2017
Posted: 20th Oct 2019 11:44
Hello everyone,
I would like to ask you a question that may be simple but fundamental for me.
do you know if there is a way to manage the shift on all three axes (x, y, z) of a 3d object based on its direction? in darkbasic and darkbasic pro the move object command existed, while here I can't find a suitable one ... does anyone know an alternative way to solve it?
thank you all

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2019 00:00 Edited at: 22nd Oct 2019 00:01
Quote: "tecnica per muovere un oggetto 3d in base alla sua direzione su tutti e tre gli assi "

3D object based on its direction on all three axes

It might help in future if you titled your threads in English as that may scare people off otherwise

I presume you mean in rasberrypi agk

The following movement commands should be available

Or you could set the positions yourself manually with

if you use physics you could just set the object in motion in a particular direction
this is allot harder way to achieve movement and really depends on what you are

There is also character controllers available which should work with pi but im not
exactly sure what commands are not available to the Pi version

The online helpfile may be of some use
fubarpk on Itch...………...
fubarpk on googleplay..

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