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AppGameKit Studio Chat / [SOLVED] How to Move Sprite Array Group XY

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Joined: 1st Feb 2013
Posted: 11th Nov 2019 23:35
Using the Scene editor in AppGameKit Studio and the draw mode, I painted some square sprites I made and had them snapped and fit to the grid. I assigned them all to an array group, and am trying to find a way to move them all when I press an arrow button (essentially have the world move around my centered player sprite).

What I tried: I drew a map in paint, but figured it would be more work to add collision within a png than just painting the sprites on the scene editor. I was able to move the png around like I wanted with some code similar to this (the code currently has an error that I will explain in a bit):

//Left button
if GetRawKeyPressed(37) = 1
xlevel00 = GetSpriteX(GetSpriteImageID(gameScene_world)) + 50
SetSpriteX(gameScene_world, xlevel00)

explanation: When the left arrow key is pressed a variable gets the X value of the specified sprite and adds a value to shift its location.
So where "gameScene_world" is, it used to be the variable name for my full map image, gameScene_world being my new array group. The error I'm getting is this:

"setsprite" [x and y] " does not accept the parameters (Integer Array, Integer)

So I understand I cannot use an array there to identify the all the sprites at once. Is there a way I can refer to every sprite in the group without specifically referring to each sprite? I'm trying to minimize code to make it simple and readable because I know I could just go do them one by one otherwise. Thank you.

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Posted: 12th Nov 2019 02:28
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Nevermind I got it! Incase anyone else was trying to figure this out, I created a for loop to move all the sprites. Ill explain it below.

So I made two variables to hold the location of the sprite: xlevel00 & yLevel00. I also made another variable to store the max number of objects in the gamescene_world Array group that I made. I used that number to make the for loop execute for each sprite. I then set the position using those variables.

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