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AppGameKit Studio Chat / Ready for prime time?

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Posted: 14th Nov 2019 08:05
With AGKS on sale on Steam this week, I've been considering making the switch from classic for a new project that I have in mind.

I know that studio doesn't have HTML export yet, and that it has been promised sometime in the future, and this isn't a huge issue for me right now. Although I have been caught out by these kinds of promises from TGC in the past!

I should probably add that this is a project with a commercial tie in with a client, and the last thing I need is to face problems with AGKS further down the road.

Is there anything else fundamentally missing/broken? Any reason not to make the switch?

Thanks in advance.
Bored of the Rings
User Banned
Posted: 14th Nov 2019 08:30
I personally would stick with classic for now, and see how AGKS develops as there a few issues with it at the moment.
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Posted: 14th Nov 2019 08:34
AGK Studio, at least in my opinion is simply not in a state that it can be relied upon for a Professional Project.
On the whole it feels like a Windows 10 Insider (Fast Track) Build...

Most the "Enhancements" over AppGameKit v2 are not Feature Complete or Stable.
The IDE feels like it's still a very early build, with performance and stability issues (at least on Windows 10) … in-fact as I was using it yesterday before work, it just randomly lost the ability to do anything but run in Sandbox Mode until I rebooted it.
Then there's the UX that give it this constant "Amateur" feel, and if you're running AMD Hardware; I'd highly recommend Disabling "Event Based Rendering" and limiting the Framerate to 60Hz (and reducing your display to a 60Hz Refresh) otherwise you'll end up having your GPU running unbearably loud, reducing runtime performance and/or have poor input recognition.

There are some features that have been stripped from the Tier 1 Language (such-as 'Ref') which can be useful for Data Flow., and Tier 2 doesn't particularly play nice with the Latest Visual Studio (v16 / 2019) or Windows 10 SDKs for Tier 2. Oh and if you do use Tier 2, be warned the Help still refers to how things work in AppGameKit v2 including the Template Projects; so be prepared to need to spend time reverse engineering elements without any help on how they've changed.

I'd personally recommend sticking with AppGameKit v2 for now, and revisiting the possibility of upgrading in 6 months.
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Posted: 14th Nov 2019 08:45
Thanks folks,

In truth, I've been down the rabit hole with TGC products several times in the past, only to see bugs never fixed, promised features never released, third-party products sold through the site abandoned, etc. So I really don't have the same level of confidence in TGC products as I did 10 years ago.

The advice you have given is sound, I'll keep an eye on AGKS and see if it matures adequately before making a commitment to it.

Thanks again.

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Joined: 15th Sep 2011
Location: Inverness
Posted: 14th Nov 2019 09:01
Also, and in fairness I use extensive customer shaders, it should be noted that the shader convertor doesn't work great either, with two of my shaders dying outright as an attribute available in classic no longer works, and another main one running but not actually rendering anything. I think the shader pack also has issues too.

Worth baring in mind if you are planning for 3D and using any custom openGL shaders.

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