I load in scenes from Blender.
What I do is create a script in Blender to return all object names, position, scale and rotation.
Then I save that to a text file. Load that textfile in AppGameKit, and use it set all the objects.
here is the blender script. I do not take credit for this script.
import bpy
import re
def grados(radianes):
x= (180*radianes)/3.141516
return x
#open path_file where I will save
full_filel = bpy.data.filepath.split("\\")
contador = 1
path_file = full_filel[0]
while contador != len(full_filel)-1:
path_file = str(path_file) + "\\" + str(full_filel[contador])
contador +=1
#path_file actual
#file name
path = 'E:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\App Game Kit 2\\test1\\media\\levels\\'
file_name = "Level_1.txt"
#path blend file
file1 = open((path + file_name), 'w', encoding = "utf-8")
#objects = bpy.context.scene.objects
sel_obj = bpy.context.selected_objects
for ob in sel_obj:
if ob.type =="MESH":
name = ob.name
name = re.sub("[.].*?$", '', name)
col = ob.users_collection[0].name
loc = tuple(ob.location)
rot = [grados(ob.rotation_euler[0]), grados(ob.rotation_euler[1]), grados(ob.rotation_euler[2])]
scale = ob.scale
#print(col, " ", name, " ", loc, " ", rot, " ", scale)
dato = (col, name," Location: ", loc, " Rotation: ", rot, " Scale: ", scale)
#write data in file
file1.write(str(dato) + "\n")
#close the file