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Raspberry Pi / Tier2 on RPi2, can compile template_pi but not interpreter_pi and template_pi_console

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Joined: 28th Nov 2002
Location: Denmark
Posted: 26th Jan 2020 14:18
Hi there : ) I still have problems with AGKPi Tier2 on my RPi2. I did some more testing today. I deleted AGKPi and installed the newest version. I went to AGKPi/Tier2/apps/ then template_pi and typed sudo make, this went fine and I could run the app. Then I went template_pi_console, this produces the same error as I've described in this post: and finally interpreter_pi, but interpreter_pi never finishes compiling. Can anyone else compile Tier2 template_pi_console on their RPi2, or perhaps RPi3?

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