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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / new game: 3d word free

AGK Developer
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Joined: 26th Jul 2018
Posted: 25th Feb 2020 21:40
Hello. I just finished coding 3dword. It's a 3d thinking game where you have to replace the engraved black cubesto reconstruct the proposed word. When a cube moves, it does not stop when there is a collision with
another cube and hard moving you can not change its direction. Collisions are raycast-based and arevery précise. There are 10 levels to complète and you can start the game at the level of your choice. The game is freeand comes with the source code. Depending on the screen resolution, the game will run either full-screen or window mode.
(I have a little trouble with virtual resolution). Tested on my 5 pc: everything is ok. Thanks for leting me know if everything is ok.PS: translation with google translate. English is not my mother tongue!


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User Banned
Posted: 27th Feb 2020 18:19

Your English seems perfect to me

and a very well done in your achievements

Keep up the good works

Retired Moderator
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Joined: 11th Jan 2005
Playing: AGK is my friend
Posted: 27th Feb 2020 19:50
Good Puzzle game with some nice effects

fubarpk on Itch...………...
fubarpk on googleplay..

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