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FPSC Classic Scripts / 2 Major problems with DarkAI

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2020 23:35
I have 2 very huge problems with the DarkAI that is included in Black Ice Mod v11.9.

1. The enemies can walk through static entities. That is very game-breaking, and frustrating.

2. The enemies can shoot through doors, even closed ones. That is the most frustrating thing ever, i remember one time where i was testing a map, and suddenly someone starts shooting at me, i was looking around to find that no one was in the room i was in, only to find out that there was an enemy that was shooting at me through the door in the very front of me.

Those are the 2 issues i have with DarkAI, i hope those issues get eliminated very soon.
hi, i'm a random guy who's making random games with random game engines for random reasons
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2020 05:06
DarkAI is not very bright, if you know what I mean
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2020 11:48
@ScooT9 :- Sorry to about your issues but this is not how darkai works.

Have you changed any of the setup.ini settings.

Make sure Darkaion=1 in setup or dark ai will be switched off.

After many test Darkai is working fine for myself and Nomad.

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Posted: 23rd Mar 2020 11:51
I have darkaion=1 in my setup file, the only thing i tried to change is the game's screenresolution, but that didn't work, because it resets after starting fpsc.
Also, i'm using the scripts "appear-enemy-team2.fpi" and "main-weapon.fpi"
hi, i'm a random guy who's making random games with random game engines for random reasons
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2020 11:59
@ScooT9 :- will check those out but darkai hasn't been changed just that you can turn it off now to save memory and loading times.

I will look into this issue.

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Posted: 23rd Mar 2020 12:20 Edited at: 23rd Mar 2020 16:45
@ScooT9 :- after many test Darkai is working just how they should for me maybe if you send me a test map built and a link to test to see the issue.

The only thing we can think of is you using v120.beta18 and not v1.20 beta 17a as beta 18 has major issues with this mod and darkai.

game's screenresolution in v11.9 is now locked to keep performance as many people where getting a lot of performance drops.

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Posted: 26th Mar 2020 15:02 Edited at: 26th Mar 2020 15:07
Okay, i have made a test map and i noticed that the AI can go THROUGH CLOSED LOCKED DOORS!
I have recorded that bug, and i tried to record the "going through static entities" problem, but the AI would not go through the entities, so i guess that's a rare bug.
I have attached a zip file with the test map and the recording.

EDIT: the attached file won't show up (atleast for me) so i have uploaded the zip to google drive, link here:
hi, i'm a random guy who's making random games with random game engines for random reasons
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Posted: 26th Mar 2020 15:11
Also s4real, why is game locked to that specific resolution? why can't i change it? i understand that it's because of performance reasons but why not give an option to change it? i don't want my game to look super pixelated on higher resolutions
hi, i'm a random guy who's making random games with random game engines for random reasons
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Posted: 26th Mar 2020 17:37
Yeah Dark Al can walk and shoot through closed doors, and its always been like that From when Dark Al was first implemented to FpsC X9 through all these updates, and they still can do it In the past I've been trying to do some level design magic to hide it - like auto doors, or making sure that there are just no closed doors beetwen player and enemy in combat.... ;p but now Im just using good old chase, strafe, cover and snipe scripts (adjusted and edited of course). They not that bad, and far less taxing for engine. Now Im using dark al only when there is a need to arrange fight between allies and bad guys to show that player is not alone on his adventure Aside from that, when you place in a room one enemy with - for example - cover script, and another with strafe, there is more variety in your gameplay, cuz not every enemy is behaving the same Think about it

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