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AppGameKit Classic Chat / What commands do you want to see in AGK?-am currently putting together DLL in VS2019

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Posted: 3rd May 2020 11:44
@Bored of the Rings

Please check PM

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Posted: 3rd May 2020 11:47 Edited at: 3rd May 2020 22:50
Edit: Ignore this! It's already done - as "shaders", I'm told.

2D sprite masking, in the sense of how programs like Flash or Animate define it where it's like looking through a window onto a sprite; the parts of the sprite that don't overlap with the "window" are invisible.

An image to clarify the concept, with mask sprite "A" hiding behind the backdrop "Bg" in the third panel so as to appear invisible:

Ideally SetSpriteShape could be applied to a masked sprite as you might expect - with invisible parts of the sprite being excluded from its hitbox.

My apologies if this is already in AppGameKit and I didn't notice it! I see someone asked about it in a thread a few years ago, but they were given a workaround that only applies to their particular example, and would not work in the case of multiple masked sprites moving independently of the background (and each other).
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Posted: 3rd May 2020 14:24 Edited at: 3rd May 2020 14:27
I am sure that what you are talking about is done by shaders like this.


UPD: Although not quite the same, you need to use full-screen shaders.


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Posted: 3rd May 2020 21:04
Firebase Realtime database generate a random keys when we sent any value . how to solve it ?

and any function which give ip address from domain name
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Posted: 3rd May 2020 22:48
Thanks, Qugurun. I just assumed these "shaders" everyone was talking about was a 3D lighting effect and never looked into it, as I haven't tried out 3D yet. Boy is my face red!
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Posted: 5th May 2020 13:14
Pixel perfect sprite collision isnt too hard to do with a shader, depending on the type of collision. Do you mean for bullets etc, or for walking on the ground?
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Posted: 5th May 2020 13:16
I'm moderately familiar with VS....I'd be interested in how you create a custom DLL that links in with AppGameKit personally. Perhaps when you are done you could post a guide or template?
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Posted: 5th May 2020 14:47
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Posted: 5th May 2020 18:48
Wow......I never knew rhthat was there.

T2 in general has quite lacking tutorials, but I'm stunned I missed that one. Thank you.
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Posted: 5th May 2020 22:58
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Posted: 9th May 2020 20:58 Edited at: 10th May 2020 12:57
How do you pass an array into a plugin function? Or are they accessable be defauly as they are global? Do you also have to pass in global variables?

EDIT: so I've converted some of my slower functions to a C++ plug in, but I'm having issues where it seems to sporadically corrupt memblocks. Has anyone else found this?
Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 12th May 2020 11:04 Edited at: 12th May 2020 11:05
I have had some random issues with memblocks in VS2019/VS2017/VS2015 from time to time, until I turned off my virus checker app and tweaked some debugger options. Otherwise, returning pointer address of a memblock as well as dword, byte, word and strings work fine in tier2 and tier1 (as a 3rd party plugin).

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Posted: 17th May 2020 01:27 Edited at: 17th May 2020 01:29
would like to see some real time sound changing like pitch tone and speed for starters
or perhaps some dll that would allow something like this
ive seen midi work done with agk before so perhaps this would be the next step

I know it is possible with memblocks to change the hz etc but not really good for real time

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Posted: 17th May 2020 13:40
Bored of the rings, memblocks work fine through a plug in without the pointer - you just pass in the number and the plugin works - I assume Paul fixed this at some time. My issue was....well, my issue. I wasn;t making the memblock number a constant, so it was changing it each iteration of code.
Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 18th May 2020 11:03
yes works fine without pointers, in DBPro memblock pointers (and ptrs for banks and alloc memory) worked a lot faster than AGK. I wanted to get pointers working mainly in Tier 2 c+ which is a lot faster than Tier 1 , which is why I added it. So, for Tier 1 I would probably just use the memblock id and standard commands and for Tier2, use the pointers. At the moment these commands are for my purpose only at the moment. I have a few projects on the go where I need faster processing, like OBJ format reading in etc... all very easy to do.
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Posted: 22nd Jun 2020 13:54
Any ETA? for a beta or demo?

Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 23rd Jun 2020 09:26 Edited at: 23rd Jun 2020 19:31
no ETA or deadline that I'm working to, I have a lot of other programming and personal commitments, so not rushing. I believe Madbit is doing a plugin for windows controls (Nuklear), which is pretty good and based on IMGUI. so that is one thing off my list.
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Posted: 24th Jun 2020 18:41
I've got my head around plugins now.....I'm happy to help out if you wanna.split the work load?
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Posted: 27th Jun 2020 05:06
Set sprite group collision

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Posted: 27th Jun 2020 22:09
setautomaticobjectcollisionon (1.1) or (1.0). Any collisions of 3d objects would be detected without the use of raycast! This command exists in Dbpro. Excuse my bad English
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Posted: 28th Jun 2020 07:15 Edited at: 28th Jun 2020 07:17
just for 2d sprites. If two or more or the same sprite collide, a action will happen. Think in terms of a match three game. There's no way to say, all 4 sprites are together. I can delete whole groups at the same time but not if there touching.
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Posted: 4th Jul 2020 01:41

AGK right now needs a way to load a 3d object with a texture and animation! Most people who have in interrest in 3d are banging their head just to be able to load a 3dObject with animation and texture! How can someone do a 3d Game if loading a 3dObject with animation and texture is requiring a Phd? DArk Basic Classic was able to do that with a single command! (banging my head on my desk multiple times...)

I am really trying to keep my stick on the ice here, hearing you talking about memeryblock access and so forth. Most indie programmers never go in those territories... you do have to be fairly advance to go there. I used to do Dark Basic Games in 3d in Dark basic classic and now, even after 3 weeks of research, i still can't load an object with animation that retain its texture in AppGameKit (And i am not alone!!!)

AGK claim to be able to load .blend .obj .pbx .my sister, yet, when i load any of those, i get mixed result. this is unacceptable of any engine and make people go to Unity / Godot instead.

Ok, hope this get into one of the priority feature soon. We can't aford to lose 3 weeks trying to load an object in AGK.

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Posted: 7th Jul 2020 22:11
"AGK claim to be able to load .blend .obj .pbx .my sister, yet, when i load any of those, i get mixed result."

Same here.
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Posted: 24th Jul 2020 14:01
How about Xbox controller support? I'm currently toying with a twin-stick shooter, and it annoys me that I'm locked to keyboard only.
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Posted: 24th Jul 2020 23:41
Quote: "How about Xbox controller support? I'm currently toying with a twin-stick shooter, and it annoys me that I'm locked to keyboard only."

It already supports gamepad controllers
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Posted: 25th Jul 2020 02:12
Wow, how did I miss that? Looks like it got every input. Thanks for the heads up.

Still, force feedback is missing! Would be fun to have, I think.
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Posted: 29th Jul 2020 12:19
I would like to have the possiblity to write plugins also for iOS and Android.

I would like to have AppGameKit as library for Windows, OSX, iOS and Android.

I would like to run AppGameKit in my Apps (AppGameKit writes to the Graphics context of the components of my apps) in Windows, OSX, iOS and Android.
Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 31st Jul 2020 09:16
as my work contract comes near to an end, I will be able to excel with this more in the coming weeks. I will review all posts again and try to prioritise requests.
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Posted: 1st Aug 2020 21:18

Need to be able to load a new mesh to an animated object with bone info.
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Posted: 21st Sep 2020 00:51
-Vector Normalize
-Rotate Towards

2D Sprite
FixSpriteToSprite (Make sprite a children of another sprite) (Follow world position and rotation of parent)

-GUI Library (Checkbox , radio button, dialog box, etc)

-Navmesh pathfinding

-Steering behavior (Flock behavior) avoidance, etc2
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2020 00:23
A command that I would love to see in AppGameKit is:

integer GetSpriteShapeHitTest ( iSpriteIndex, iShapeIndex, x, y )

Such a command would allow to create interactive menus using a single sprite for a menu column and individual sprite shapes for the rows. At the moment you would have to create individual sprites for each row in a column in the case you would want to use the GetSpriteHitTest command.
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2021 08:11
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2021 08:21
Thanks blink
what ide like to see is a basic inventory system
which allows pop push delete of an item
then find first and last of int, string etc returning the id
all can be done by pointers it could real speed up certain
doing these calculations even just for next loops are bottle necks in agk
perhaps even a swapinventory item from inva to invb and any searches that can
be done the standard tree search algorthym be fine search by group return the invc of them

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2021 19:26
I would looooooove:

1) The ability to draw pixels to the backbuffer, and get pixel-level information from what's on-screen. DrawPixel(X,Y,ARBG) and GetPixelColor(X,Y)
2) A (much) faster set of sprite commands, namely SetSpriteAnimation and DrawSprite.
3) Support for Midi files of course, but some old formats like mod/xm/s3m would be fun too
4) A print command with coordinates for when you need to write text to a specific place on the screen, but where creating a text object would be add unnecessary code for no real reason.

We all got a chicken duck woman thing waiting for us
Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 30th Mar 2022 13:48
ok this dll almost done as well as a DBPro FTP dll I'm updating which I would like to include into AppGameKit, I don't recall AppGameKit having FTP commands. anyway, testing ongoing and then release
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Posted: 31st Mar 2022 17:24
Sounds very interesting! Do you have a list of additional functions that the finished DLL will include?
Bored of the Rings
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Posted: 31st Mar 2022 20:53
yes, I'll publish them soon, around 600 commands so far plus the ftp ones to come.
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Posted: 1st Apr 2022 03:21
Quote: "Pixel perfect sprite collision isnt too hard to do with a shader"

Or even without shaders
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Posted: 11th Apr 2022 18:09
Gigabyte Board/ AMD 3.3 Ghtz Quad core/8GB Ram/Nvidia Geforce 1080 GTX 8GB/1TB Western Dig. SSD/Windows 10 Home/Dark Basic Pro 9Ex/AGK2/AGKStudio

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Posted: 11th Apr 2022 20:28
something like that would be so usefull, I hadn't find oppurtunity to switch Tier 2 yet, as we discussed before. Direct access without any controls and all blame is on to the users of this command if any error occurs.

MemBuffer = GetMemblockBuffer(MemblockID)
extern "C" DLL_EXPORT unsigned char* GetMemblockBuffer(UINT i)
unsigned char* buf = agk::GetMemblockPtr(i);
return buf;

WriteBuffer(MemBuffer, Offset, int)
extern "C" DLL_EXPORT void WriteBuffer(int& b, int o, int d)
*(b + o) = d;

UWriteBuffer(MemBuffer, Offset, int)
extern "C" DLL_EXPORT void UWriteBuffer(UINT& b, int o, UINT d)
*(b + o) = d;

FWriteBuffer(MemBuffer, Offset, float)
extern "C" DLL_EXPORT void FWriteBuffer(float& b, int o, float d)
*(b + o) = f;

ReadBuffer(MemBuffer, Offset)
extern "C" DLL_EXPORT int ReadBuffer(int& b, int o)
int r = *(b + o);
return r;

UReadBuffer(MemBuffer, Offset)
extern "C" DLL_EXPORT UINT ReadBuffer(UINT& b, int o)
UINT r = *(b + o);
return r;

FReadBuffer(MemBuffer, Offset)
extern "C" DLL_EXPORT float ReadBuffer(float& b, int o)
UINT r = *(b + o);
return r;

P.S. c++ codes might not be correct.
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Posted: 13th Apr 2022 16:02
I would love to use OpenCV in AppGameKit
And something that enables Multithreading in someway.

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