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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / 2DPluginKIT alpha version 0.9 available on github repository

AGK Developer
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Posted: 8th Apr 2020 22:10 Edited at: 16th Apr 2020 21:58

Hello everyone,

I'm happy to announce you that (for those that did wait for this ...), the wait is over.
I've released the 1st alpha version of PluginKIT for AppGameKit and it's available on my github repository :

You can download it and test it.
I hope you'll find this plugin fun and useful.

As it is provided in "source code" format, it should be compatible with all the AppGameKit compilation/export capabilities (windows, MacOS, iOS, Android).

Don't hesitate to give me your feedback about this product.

Fixes and Updates :

- Fixed issue in Labyrinthe demonstration (updated demo source code)
- Fixed issue in Bob-To-Layer render, by updating it with newer custom SetScissor system for layers
- Fixed issue in eXtends Real-Time Sky System model 3 (sun halo flickering).
- Removed a 2D Bob loading debug message
- Updated projects sources codes links to PluginKIT system files.

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Location: France
Posted: 11th Apr 2020 10:52 Edited at: 11th Apr 2020 14:39
@c0d3r9 :
Hello and thank you for testing this release.
I don't use AppGameKit Studio (I dislike the studio IDE) and prefer use classics for devs.
Please exmplain more what you're saying by "you should run over the projects folder with AppGameKit Studio" ?
Concerning the issues, please describe more because when I run the demo on my computer with AppGameKit Classics, I did experience no issues before release.

EDIT : Found 2 issues, that are now fixed (repository updated).

AGK Developer
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Joined: 19th Sep 2002
Location: France
Posted: 11th Apr 2020 18:21 Edited at: 11th Apr 2020 18:24
@c0d3r9 : I will check this as in AppGameKit classics, I get no error nor warnings about this.
If the new command is compatible with both versions, I will check to update for it.
Thank you for this feedback.

EDIT : Issue added to the github repo for the upgrade.


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