Homesgames If I understand correctly you want a weapon that leaves "ink" like scorch marks ?
It's not that hard to do, first grab the gunspec Syntax list from this thread...
You will need to make your own custom scorchtype =x for your weapon. You will also need to change the "bullethole" decal in the gamecore\bulletholes folder
to reflect your new "scorch" decal.
I made something similar with a spray paint type of weapon....
For a character to use alternate texture you need to change the .fpe file to reflect the alternate texture path, then use the command alttexture=1
in the characters script when needed. In the .fpe file the command to use is " texturealtd = NAME/ Or Path To Your Alt. texture"
Also, in the characters property settings the "alttexture=x" make sure it's set correctly.
Testing here is the key to make sure it works properly