Hello, I'm hardyx and I discover AppGameKit Studio in Steam, I like the language and the IDE.
I'm going to purchase, but I was testing changing same code I have some begginer questions.
- Local variables: using #option_explicit you must to declare all variables. You can declare local variables as: "x as integer, name as string". Good.
But I can declare as "local x, name$" too in the main program (no function). In the functions if you declare using "local" gives an error.
I don't know if "local" is deprecated (not appears in help) or is an optional like "LET" in classic BASIC.
- Mobile apps: You can test AppGameKit apps using the AppGameKit player, but ¿how works the exporting to Android?
¿You must to have Android SDK or Java for exporting, or the IDE creates the apk with the required data?
¿Are the assets (media) inside the apk or in a separete folder?
Greetings to all the community.
Thanks in advance.