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FPSC Reloaded TGC Backer
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Posted: 31st Dec 2020 18:18
Hello everyone. I wanted to take advantage of the vacation time to present the project I am working on. This is my first attempt at a 3d game in agk, and it is not being easy to understand all the calculations behind all this.
It is a very very very early version, I would say that it would be v0.0.1
but it is already "visible", and I would like you to comment on the performance on your pc, since in my old school, without a 3d accelerator it goes to 60/90 and I don't know if it will improve on another pc with an accelerator (although I suppose it will)

wasd and mouse keys
F1 activates deactivates fog (for tests)
right mouse button activates deactivates minimap (with minimap activated you cannot move)

by the way it has no name (in case you can think of one)

Thank you very much and happy Christmas.
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Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 1st Jan 2021 21:08 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2021 01:32

i understand that you're new to this so i don't believe that you made the licensed assets available intentionally but i recognize some of them (including graphics from the giant asset pack) and looked up some of the sound files and know they shouldn't be exposed in the media folder as you have included them.

i've removed the download and suggest that you continue the project and share your progress via youtube or similar until you are able to replace media that you have the right to share or encrypt the media somehow to make it less accessible.

further, you should also review the license at soundsnap and ensure that you are in compliance, there.

finally, there is a current thread involving asset encryption HERE. hopefully, you will find it helpful

add: i did give it a play and i want to see more

i tried to record play but since it's fullscreen, it wouldn't (with bandicam). next version, consider a maximized window? otherwise, ~70 FPS on my outdated pc, ~120 on my new but low-end laptop.

also, .dds? is this tier 2?

add. again: i assumed you were new to AppGameKit since i didn't recognize your username but have since reviewed your thread history and see otherwise. ie, you should have known better. please don't do it again.
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Posted: 2nd Jan 2021 08:57 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2021 10:05
thanks for the warning virtual nomad.
I am quite a newbie from what I see.
I really thought I had replaced all licensed assets with opensource models from the FPS creator. I'm going to do a thorough review of the assets again.
As for the sounds, I use the opensource from, or so I thought.
I'm sorry. I'm going to check them again and see if I can share again at some point, with the progress ...

The .DDS are the textures that the fpsc models had that I have not deleted from the media folder (I think there is the error, maybe I have not deleted some model or texture that I no longer use in the game ??).

It will not happen again.

edit1. :
I just did a test to record a video and well, it seems that it has gone well on this old computer, I upload it to youtube in case anyone is curious.

Thank you very much virtual nomad and I am sorry for the inconvenience caused.

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Posted: 7th Apr 2022 18:29
good afternoon!! After a time stopped for work reasons, I give the game a push again and now I want to finish it. I leave a demo with the basic idea of what I am doing to get ideas that you give me to be able to make it as complete and playable as possible.

all criticisms are well received.
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Posted: 7th Apr 2022 18:31 Edited at: 7th Apr 2022 20:14
I don't see the uploaded file... I don't know if there is a problem

I am trying to upload a zip file but I attach it, and the download link does not appear afterwards. the file weighs 60 mg, can that be the problem? or can I be restricted from uploading files? I do not know what's happening

edit2: ok...i see now the file.
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Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 8th Apr 2022 03:35 Edited at: 8th Apr 2022 03:37
welcome back, you AND the project

it seems you've added a few more models, a texture or 2 and a minimap (via RMB; nice addition)

it's probably a placeholder thing but i stumbled across a white tile?

otherwise, i would like to see shadows added to the already superb atmosphere and varying floor levels vs flat. if you're not comfortable with stairs, slopes would be nice (maybe even preferred). it seems too 2-dimensional for a 3d offering.

also, add some simple instructions? ie, with no mini-map in your last video, i had no idea it was in the game until i starting pressing randomly.

then, i assume picking up red orbs replenishes shots (i wasn't checking but probably?) but the green orbs? are they adding to our health? if so, the health bar doesn't seem to be working?

thanks for sharing and looking forward to more!
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Posted: 8th Apr 2022 20:05 Edited at: 9th Apr 2022 09:40
heyyy thanks for answering... this time I have already protected the asets....
I have to look at the white box, I suppose it will be left without texturing some plane, although it shouldn't...
As for the shadows, only the sun type light produces shadows and for the dark atmosphere I have it at 0 ... or how could I generate the shadows if not? I've tried but I don't know how...

yes instructions are needed there are several items already working ..
the red orb (it is a place holder like all the items at the moment) what it does is increase the damage that your shots do and you will notice it because the ball of the shot grows in size as well.

The big green ball, switch the shot to the bouncing guy.

the big blue ball changes to the type of shot that passes through enemies.

the little green cube that spins brings you back to life.

the small yellow/light brown ball increases the maximum shot by 2.

the small pink/purple ball fills your shots.

You can change to the types of shots to populate them or to choose the one you like with the keys 1 to 3 .

the little blue ball increases the range of your shots.

and the mini map at the moment, as you have already found, is activated with the RMB although it is to be able to test it, since in the game the object that activates it will be "bought"...
there are more things, but they are currently disabled, increase the "visibility" of enemies in dark areas by buying night vision goggles...

Doing it in 3d but 2d mobility is because it started as an attempt to recreate the random generation of NUCLEAR THRONE levels.
but I am going to consider how I could add a plane above or below.

EDIT: u can break the barrels, they give u items
using AppGameKit V2 tier 1

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