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Joined: 24th Jan 2015
Location: Stoke-on-Trent
Posted: 12th Feb 2021 11:04
After a couple of year's break going to Staffordshire University as a (mature) student, I present 'Insanium', written on AppGameKit Studio, with help from Pro Motion and Clip Studio.

Quick backstory; what I was studying at uni was Comic Art. While I was there, one of my fellow Students produced a comic called 'Insanium' about a mutated ape going nuts in space and killing all the crew. It was the most ill-thought out, pointlessly violent and senseless thing I'd ever read, so of course I became a huge fan. I promised Joe, the creator that one day I would turn it into a game.

Cue a couple of years later, reliving my youth on a Spectrum 48k emulator by playing one of my old favourites; Alien by John Heap. And there it was.

Insanium, after a month of coding is now on the Play Store. It's a strategy game that uses real time, so as you're making your moves the mutated ape known as Subject 42 is making his. If you're familiar with the old Alien game it plays much the same but a touchscreen makes the navigation of controls much easier than in the original and I've jazzed it up quite a bit with a lot of secret tactics I've left it to the players to discover. There will probably be a few updates needed to round off the final bugs but I think it's 95% complete. So if old games with a facelift are your kind of thing, enjoy!
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Joined: 8th Sep 2002
Location: UK
Posted: 12th Feb 2021 11:49
Fun game, will have to play it more.

When pressing the red X on the main menu I get "Error Sprite 2100 does not exist in title_screen.agc at line 166"

Very nice game so far though
Buy me a coffee:
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Joined: 24th Jan 2015
Location: Stoke-on-Trent
Posted: 12th Feb 2021 16:43
Thank you for trying it out, as well as the bug report! I'll find them all eventually, I'm sure. Also well done for being the first non-dev name on the leaderboards!

I tend to make games that use a large amount of random generation so you never quite get the same game twice. During testing I had some games that were 30 minute plus duels to the death and some where the crew have blown the ape out of the airlock in the first minute. I'm quite proud of the ape's AI which has a few subtleties, for example he absolutely hates the electric prods and when escaping from them will tend to favour rooms that have no other occupants, making it possible (if difficult) to herd him where you want him. Good fun.

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