I've tried to make the process even easier by writing a bash script to automate the process.
Attached are two files:
install.sh and agkshader-fix.sh
You will need to make the scripts executable:
chmod +x install.sh
chmod +x agkshader-fix.sh
Run the install.sh script in a folder that you want to install AGKTier2, everything you need will
be installed to that folder.
When the script is complete, hopefully without issues, The PiPlayer will be saved in
agkshader-fix.sh will edit AGKShader.cpp (line 1841) stored in AGKTier2/common/Source
you can choose to apply this fix when you run install.sh or you can apply the fix later
using agkshader-fix.sh
Any issues please post back here, I hope this helps.
Attached is a PiPlayer for your convenience.
chmod +x PiPlayer to make it executable.
Assuming you are using Raspbian buster (32 bit)
Please refer to
1) Download AppGameKit 2021.02.10 (Raspberry Pi) (168.74MB) from your account. - unzip to a location of your choice.
2) git clone https://github.com/TheGameCreators/AGKTier2
3) Download GLFW - git clone https://github.com/glfw/glfw
4) If you don't have doxygen installed - sudo apt-get install doxygen
cd glfw
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
5) cd AGKTier2
I stated that I experienced a green overlay due to a shader issue.
If you change line 1841 in AGKShader.cpp (AGKTier2/common/Source) from
colorVarying = color; to colorVarying = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
that seems to solve the issue.
6) make
7) cd apps/interpreter_linux
8) make
If successful you should see a folder called 'build' with LinuxPlayer32, rename LinuxPlayer32 to PiPlayer,
then replace the Tier1 PiPlayer found in Tier1/Compiler/interpreters with your new PiPlayer.
Hopefully the instructions will help you get AppGameKit working on the RPI4.