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Posted: 3rd Jul 2021 17:23 Edited at: 24th Dec 2021 15:48
HI all.

Just starting a thread as more actual game mechanics come into play for My Island Paradise (working title).

For now, imagine something that is a cross between Animal Crossings and Zelda.

Been a way a while, but I have now added full hot swapping of mesh LOD models so that speed can be kept up, and far more complex models can be used. Going to build a complex(ish) world now to try and demonstrate.
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Posted: 3rd Jul 2021 17:48
LynxJSA's web games/quizzes - LynxJSA's Android apps
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"Stick to a single main loop (DO...LOOP) and loop through it every frame.
Do everything inside functions.
Use finite state machines to control your game.
Use lots and lots of source files.
Conjured Entertainment
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Posted: 6th Jul 2021 03:39

Excellent start.

Love the art.

Coding things my way since 1981 -- Currently using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2021 17:55
Oh dang, I need to report this post for fine work!

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2021 22:02
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2021 17:41
Looks like you develop for xbox? Can you use .dll's aswell / is xbox a windows compile?

Because I got very nice 3d sound plugin in early stages with already astonishing possibilities.
If you need one, I would upload and share it.

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2021 22:00 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2021 22:00
Thanks guys.

I've been doing a lot of work on polishing the World Builder - something about that will be coming soon.

A new update to the game will be coming soon...I've added the ability to build things like fences and walls, and modelled the inside of the log cabin. So very soon you will be able to play a demo that lets you wander the island, chopping down trees, growing crops, building your cabin and furnishing it. All of it is based off of scripts so adding new content takes about 5 minutes, once the modelling is done. I also added an imposter system for distant trees to try and keep speed up for lower powered machines. So something more visually appealing will be coming soon.

Jack, no it's all PC based, but it does use some DLL add ins I wrote on PC. As time goes on I will convert more of the slower code to C.
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Posted: 10th Oct 2021 21:32 Edited at: 10th Oct 2021 21:34
I took a couple of months off to have a break, but back to it now.

A few decent updates:
* Added a new shader that auto shades the landscape (also added to the world builder)
* Added better animation and did a lot of work on transitions
* Added full streaming to the landscape - now the game is "aware" of where the player is and will drop high quality textures for distant chunks out of memory to keep it low, and stream in needed ones when you move between chunks
* Fixed the FPS routine so that the game maxes out at 60fps even if the machine is capable of more, and uses any spare CPU time to focus on faster background streaming
* Added the ability to create walls and some topiary plants - now works on a better placement system. This needed a complete rewrite of the scenery system, but it can now handle far more complex items with unlimited meshes and textures
* Significant improvements to the rain for better performance and amore convincing effect that gradually fades from just a couple of drops to a full on downpour (also in the world builder)

The next big thing I will be working on is the NPCs and bringing them in to add some more life.
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Posted: 11th Oct 2021 01:10

This is pretty cool, It reminds me of Minecraft but without blocks.

I always hated Minecraft but this I could get into.

I would play this daily.
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Posted: 11th Oct 2021 16:15
Great start! Are you planning on a Steam release in the future or?
AQUILLANTO - A side-scrolling platformer with super tight controls, 3 worlds to explore, hordes of monsters and a quest... Inspired by games on the Amiga computer

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