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AppGameKit Studio Chat / App to hide media file

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Posted: 10th Jul 2021 12:51 Edited at: 10th Jul 2021 13:07
Hey I've been using this app for a few weeks and appears to work very well at hiding the media file . Hope some of you guys find it useful , it is freeware. Hope I'm not breaking any rules by putting this up here. Once you hide the file it seems to remain hidden even if you uninstall the folder hider software or delete it. This is the best solution I've found and have tried many apps of this type . please let me know what you think. Have a nice day .


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Posted: 10th Jul 2021 14:24
Nice find!
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Posted: 10th Jul 2021 16:18 Edited at: 10th Jul 2021 16:21
is this the same app?

if not, where did you find it?
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Posted: 10th Jul 2021 17:46
I have deleted the download.
Instead could you provide the URL to the product so the potential users can read about what it is before downloading and running an unknown exe.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2021 14:20 Edited at: 11th Jul 2021 14:48
No it's not that one . I'll find it now and put a link to it .

There you are if you download the 11.05 version you can just download the app when you download the latest it comes bundled with a few apps in their Easier toolkit . I just delete what I don't need .
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Posted: 11th Jul 2021 15:03
I have used this on most of my games on and when I download them from there it still works with the media file still hidden . If you open the zip file by double clicking it you can see the media file but if you right click on it and unpack it the media file remains hidden . Don't know if you have to use a zip file with but I think I'm gonna go and have a play with it . The zip file is the weak point so may see if I can find a zip file that can be unpacked but not looked in to prior to unpacking.
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Posted: 11th Jul 2021 16:32 Edited at: 11th Jul 2021 16:35
Am I missing something?


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Posted: 11th Jul 2021 17:03
Yes you have . The hidden file stays hidden whether you click view and check hidden or not . Anyway what I've just tried is this hide the media file in the folder . Right click on the folder ( you'll need 7zip) click on 7zip then archive then choose the wim file extension . I just uploaded one of my games this way and when downloaded the media file is still hidden and people cannot poke around in the wim file . Not sure what other zip programs implement this .
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Posted: 11th Jul 2021 17:05
holy big fat red warning signs batman.

A website with a pop up that automatically asks you to install the software when you visit the page and then proceeds to download the file anyway even when you say no.
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Posted: 11th Jul 2021 17:15 Edited at: 11th Jul 2021 17:17
Well I'm using it and had no problems with it and when used in the way I described works very well. I've just looked at the site again and find no problem with it . Gonna go and see if winzip can open a wim file.
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Posted: 11th Jul 2021 17:29
Oh, its one of them!

The problem with apps that hack windows is they hack windows, and although I am a fan of The Walking Dead I do not want a zombie for a computer, the "you will download my app whether you want to or not" attitude is a rather nefarious tactic used by [Insert_PC_Correct_Term_Here] to install ransomware and dodgy fake anti-virus apps or just ping home and lay in wait for a DDoS!
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Posted: 11th Jul 2021 17:53
Well there we are so far I've had no problems and have a solution to a problem I've put up with for a long time . I'm going to implement this on all my games on and maybe in a couple of months I'll be able to say no problems .
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Posted: 11th Jul 2021 19:31
I just did a full scan of everything on my computer and no threats were found . Windows Defender.
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Posted: 12th Jul 2021 16:43
I'm sure its probably fine, just a paranoid Londoner that thinks everyone is out on a scam ... city life huh!

But still it pays to be careful, for those times when I think "I don't like the look of this setup" I use ESET (formerly NOD32) one time scanner ontop of my security suite as the only thing Avast seems to stop is my ability to compile exe.s!! Dam file shield!!

A second opinion can give some peace of mind:

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Posted: 12th Jul 2021 21:46
Quote: "I'm sure its probably fine, just a paranoid Londoner that thinks everyone is out on a scam ... city life huh!"

It never hurts to be cautious.
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Posted: 13th Jul 2021 06:07 Edited at: 13th Jul 2021 06:12
Yes indeed I will try that scanner out on it to be doubly sure.
Don't like the look of that scanner will try another one .
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Posted: 13th Jul 2021 13:51
I was curious to see what the tool would do.
So I downloaded AlpnieRalleyPC from, unpacked it and looked at the directory structure.
I don't know if you have also edited this game with the tool. The thing I noticed is that the media folder is set to hidden.
So as PartTimeCoder had already shown.
I can see the directory and copy and change the files as I like.
Maybe this is because I always show all hidden and system files.
But this is a normal Windows option that can be switched on and off. (The default is off.)
Or have I misunderstood the whole thing?
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Posted: 13th Jul 2021 14:40 Edited at: 13th Jul 2021 15:17
I have done this on alpine rally and MTRP and on my computer the media files are not visible in either of them . Not here anyway. Maybe it will only hide them on the machine that created them . Gonna check it out .
What was the file extension of the file you downloaded if it was a .wim file it should of been hidden and if not it's back to the drawing board . The .wim thing is a plus in my book .
What did you use to unpack it with ?
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Posted: 13th Jul 2021 23:15
Well I now know what you guys are on about , show system files will reveal the media folder . 90 % of people will not know that but yeah I will have to look at locking the file too but will have to be readable when locked if there is such a thing .
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Posted: 14th Jul 2021 00:50
Quote: "90 % of people will not know that "

That 90% is the people who wouldn't look to rip your assets anyways. The 10% that would rip your assets fully know how to show system files. They also know how to read file headers, look at a file in an hex editor, etc etc. Basically, your obsession with hiding files is a bit of a waste of your time. Nobody is ripping assets. Like... nobody.
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Posted: 14th Jul 2021 09:43
Well i'm done with it now anyway tried everything I can think of . Gonna stick with the hide folder and .wim file for the time being . I really don't think that people would steel my assets I just don't want my games messed with .
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Posted: 15th Jul 2021 15:37
Thank you for you solutions i think it's can help some one in particular case.

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