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AppGameKit/AppGameKit Studio Showcase / Interference - a trippy little arcade shooter

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2021 05:08 Edited at: 3rd Aug 2021 19:55
Basically an updated version of a game I made many many years ago in Blitz. After playing Hosch's Orbiter and Virtual Nomad's P3, I though I'd throw in my own "stuff going around a ball" game.

Just a few days of code, but I think it's fairly complete. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions... do tell me!


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Posted: 2nd Aug 2021 12:20
played it, nice tech demo, the bg effect is interesting i saw the pattern files.

about that why dont you pack your assets to one exe? (it wont stop those who want your assets but will stop 90% of people)

the game is a bit slow for me no challenge and no variation.

you coded it well, try learning game design it will help you make your games more fun.

for example decisions, in this game, they are obvious, aim and shot, take nuclear throne as an example of good design(for a 2d shooter), you need to make a ton of decisions per second: which mutation/weapon to get? which enemy to focus on first, which weapon to use? (thers ammo limit),is it safe to take these pickups before they fade? etc etc.
some effect short term some long, almost none are based on chance oe too obvious.

octogedon has simler mechanics, you cant move just rotate the character.

good luck.
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2021 14:11
Quote: "about that why dont you pack your assets to one exe? (it wont stop those who want your assets but will stop 90% of people)"

It's a circular argument. 90% of the people don't care about looking into assets. The 10% that are interested are able to figure out how to bypass a simple rar/zip/rename protection scheme. So it's a waste of time to protect assets this way. Plus, people won't be interested in looking at my files unless they see something interesting. Case in point: you liked the background effect, so you looked at the files. Now you have an idea of how it was made. Which in my book is a good thing

Quote: "try learning game design it will help you make your games more fun."

That's....interesting, and more than a little condescending, advice.

Quote: "the game is a bit slow for me no challenge and no variation."

The pacing might definitely be off. I've been playing this non-stop for a few days so it's easy to lose track of how the difficulty should curve with each new wave. As for variation, I am toying with a few ideas like different movement patterns, different weapons on different types of enemies, etc. Haven't found anything so far that really adds to the mechanics, it just adds complexity for the sake of complexity...which I don't like. I am playing with a few ideas though.

Thanks for taking a look!
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2021 14:28 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2021 15:04
Any chance of getting an HTML version?
Quote: "
After playing Hosch's Orbiter and Virtual Nomad's P3, I though I'd throw in my own "stuff going around a ball" game."

My only going around a ball game was my remake of Star Castle. (hard to believe that was back in 2015... doesn't seem that long ago)

I made it look like the original as best I could, so it showed a second player for the scores, but i never made it a two player game.

I should go back and make it two player with Xbox controller compatibility, and have them on the screen at the same time as a co-op, instead of turn based like the arcade version.

Quote: "try learning game design it will help you make your games more fun"


Yeah, yeah, that's what the Pong guy told me back in the day.

Seriously though, dude, he's been here 17 years, so I am pretty sure he is designing his games the way he wants them to be rather than trying to please the masses who all have different tastes.

That is the great thing about being an independent developer, you get to make your games the way you want them, not how someone else wants you to make them.

They can make their own they way they want them if they don't like yours, and I'm pretty sure this one wasn't designed with appealing to the masses for commercial gains, so what the hay... have fun with it.

Coding things my way since 1981 -- Currently using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2021 15:03 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2021 15:22
Quote: "Any chance of getting an HTML version?"

I tried... when I press run game I just get a load of error messages about memory. No idea what's happening but it might be my assets, I got some huge images in there. I don't even know if I'm exporting it correctly though.. I know nothing about HTML and the interwebs. Any pointers you might have would be appreciated. I tried looking here in the forums for a simple guide on how to get games in HTML on but I haven't found anything :/
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Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2021 15:11 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2021 15:13
not sure if you've tried the html export on yet but the html version generally won't run locally (unless you're on chrome or set up something like xampp) .
if you have, make sure to rename the .html file to "index.html" before you zip it up (so that itch knows which file to launch).
otherwise, i've fixed the typo in the title. all that's left is for you to add a screenshot to the first post.
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2021 15:16 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2021 15:34
Quote: "when I press run game I just get a load of error messages about memory. No idea what's happening but it might be my assets, I got some huge images in there.... Any pointers you might have would be appreciated."

Not sure

The file sizes seem to be pretty small, but one thing I noticed is that the image dimensions are not base 2.

So, maybe if the 600x600 was 512x512 instead then AppGameKit wouldn't need to resize it. (maybe that is for android and Ios only anyway, not sure)

That thing is probably going from 600x600 to 1024x1024 which would make it even bigger.

Those pattern sizes being 3000x3000 are probably what is doing it, as my best guess. (resized to 4096x4096)

I have been trying to remember to keep my stuff on the base 2 ... 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, etc. but sometimes I forget.

Pretty sure though that anything going over 2048x2048 may cause trouble, but can't say for sure.

Even if the base 2 sizes are not it, having those a bit smaller couldn't hurt anything.

Coding things my way since 1981 -- Currently using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2021 15:20 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2021 15:22
Quote: "if you have, make sure to rename the .html file to "index.html" before you zip it up (so that itch knows which file to launch)"

Yeah I got that far. The AppGameKit player shows up on the itch page and all. It will download the app fin, but when I start it... memory error.

Quote: "Those pattern sizes being 3000x3000 are probably what is doing it, as my best guess."

That's what I think too. I will make a lower resolution version just to play in HTML.

Quote: "Even if the base 2 sizes are not it, having those a bit smaller couldn't hurt anything"

The images get scaled/rotated/twisted/discombobulated in all sorts of way. In order for them to remain overscanned in 1920x1080, they had to be that size. But I will try reducing them and scale them up a bit more without losing too much resolution in the inevitable resulting blur.
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Posted: 2nd Aug 2021 15:22 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2021 15:35
I've been focusing on the HTML5 builds for awhile now, since many people prefer those over having to download an EXE, so they can avoid these...

Stupid Windows false positive warnings scare off the non-technical people. (90% of the masses, then they think you tried to virus them and ruins trust for future titles)

Truth is.. running their operating system "might put your PC at risk". (especially their browser - but they don't warn you about that)

Coding things my way since 1981 -- Currently using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1


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Posted: 2nd Aug 2021 23:19 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2021 23:25
@n00bstar, I packaged an HTML5 version of your game, it seems to work on Chromium, so hopefully you shouldn't have any problems.

Let me know how you want me to send it to you.


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Posted: 2nd Aug 2021 23:46 Edited at: 2nd Aug 2021 23:50
tboy beat me to it. Anyways, here's the checklist:
- use AppGameKit Classic, the export from Studio is broken regarding the window size you give on itch
- rename the html file "index.html"
- zip the files from the export folder - name it any way you want
- upload the zip file
- check "File will be played in browser" at the itch game page
- either tick fullscreen or give a window size that matches the aspect ratio of your game 960x540 or smaller for 16:9

I am on mobile right now, but will give Interference a try once I'm at the PC again for sure. Play in browser really helps getting your game out there. It can be the best game in the world, the extra step of downloading it combined with the Windows file warning greatly limits your player base. My downloadable games don't even reach 1/3 of the players of the play in browser one.
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Posted: 3rd Aug 2021 14:37
HTML version is up! Had to make a few changes for it to display properly and found a few bugs along the way

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Posted: 4th Aug 2021 06:14 Edited at: 4th Aug 2021 06:15
Quote: "HTML version is up!"


The visuals got to me, but I did manage to make it to the 15th wave on the first try... (took a few waves before I realized my misses were taking off my score)

Coding things my way since 1981 -- Currently using AppGameKit V2 Tier 1
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Posted: 4th Aug 2021 13:34
haha nice!

I should add some bonus thing at 1000 points then
We all got a chicken duck woman thing waiting for us

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