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AppGameKit Studio Chat / [SOLVED] Required: Facebook Ads

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2021 19:35 Edited at: 22nd Sep 2021 20:02
@Paul sir + Team, please can you add facebook ads like admob on Jan 2022 update please . Some of my customer want facebook ads. Thankyou.

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2021 21:20
TamBam wrote: "Some of my customer want facebook ads."

I'm not entirely sure I believe you...
Still with that aside, have you check the Commands / Advert section?

It appears to have Facebook AdMob., Amazon and Chartboost.

Mind if you're looking of ways of generating revenue., why not create a Fantasy Cricket League that people can play?
If you have IAP to purchase Tokens that they can use to Buy & Sell Players via a Market for their Teams... and then can win back Tokens based on how successful they're doing.
I mean I'm sure you know how a Fantasy Sports League thing goes.

And it's not Gambling, so doesn't break the Indian Mobile App Rules; cause you're not paying anything out nor is there any randomisation.
It'd probably make you a bit more than Ads would as well; after all I don't imagine the CPM is too great., in-fact you kind of proved that when you were talking about the Firebase support a little while back being a little broken.

Just a thought.
Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2021 00:43
@raven, how could u possibly know what his clients want? And, why are u accusing him of lying?

@tambam, if i were u, i would post any request for additional functionality on the studio github where u can be sure a dev would see it. Otherwise, i do see admob functionality: but i've never used ads, so...
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2021 09:59 Edited at: 23rd Sep 2021 10:09
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@Raven Thanks for your suggestion . I already done and run It from last Sunday , It's now on testing mode so no money involve their and in future I don't want to make money directly to run a fantasy league . Because direct Money involve is not a very easy task , But in coin system where some one play game for fun and if they buy coin , their has no risk because if some one say I buy coin but not reflected in my account then I can easily give him/her free coins . ( Like I already done in my PantiPakoli Free Games) , And like Pool , Ludo etc also make Millions Money with inn-app purchase . My target this type of game .
I start new Youtube channel for my fantasy cricket game (Name Fancric made with AppGameKit Studio Language Hindi )

@Raven I sell small games to my customer and many of them want Facebook Ads to their games , so I need this features . Else I only run admob in my games to get some revenue .

@Virtual Nomad Thankyou , I will post at GitHub from next time . And I use Admob ads from 2018 and now I full understand how it's work . I get good revenue from It . As example = I have a small admob account with my father name , Only 1 game added with admob and approx every day 7-12 player play the games and admob give me 0.30$ - 1.5$ everyday now you think if I push and 7-12 player change to 700-1200 everyday then you can think where my revenue goes everyday and all traffic only from India . ( and if I can manage the traffic comes from US, UK ,Canada and Australia then the revnue will be 10x higher )
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2021 23:33
Quote: "I'm not entirely sure I believe you..."

You don't open some apps and think "this needs some facebook ads..." ?? I do all the time, I demand to be disturbed by ads for things I don't want or need or I am not playing your game!!
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Posted: 24th Sep 2021 06:00 Edited at: 24th Sep 2021 06:02
Ads are irritating for sure but if your games give value to your user then they must play your game . At the same time need coins to play game , right ? So everyone are not able to purchase coins ,specially if that user not adult ( Age 12-16 ) , So here Ads help lots both user and publisher .
So I request if facebook Audiance Network Ads also added in AGKs then it will be very helpful .

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