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AppGameKit Studio Chat / [LOCKED] Only a short and last question about Discord (Sorry)

User Banned
Posted: 26th Sep 2021 19:22
Excuse me please, it's me again, but according to THIS thread: you gave me no opportunity to say something to to this case, so i need to open another thread and spam the forum! But i don't want to spam! Long story short. I see that my behavior was not ok. It has also to do with my language. English is not my native language! Please don't think, that i'm a spammer or troll or something like this. I'm only concerned about the future of TGC and App Game Kit like many others too! All i want to be is a friendly part of this community. Not more and not less. I know TGC since the early Dark Basic aera! So please let me ask you friendly to remove the blockage from my Discord Account "Vectrex71" I give you my word, you will never see again a critism nor on Discord or here in the Forum. Please take my sorry and let's stop these discussions. Thank you!
Virtual Nomad
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Joined: 14th Dec 2005
Location: SF Bay Area, USA
Posted: 26th Sep 2021 19:26 Edited at: 26th Sep 2021 19:39
Quote: "you gave me no opportunity"

PMs always worked but you continue to air it out.

Quote: "I give you my word"

ban removed.

let's move on; thread closed.
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