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Android / How do I make aab bundle files?

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Posted: 6th Oct 2021 09:48 Edited at: 6th Oct 2021 13:17
My game is ready for In-House testing, and I need to upload an aab file to Google Playstore. How do I do this from App Game Kit? - (running on Ubuntu )
I can make APK fine, and the game looks good on a phone, just need to make the aab file.
I feel kind of stupid, because I made one already, not that long ago for another game. Any ideas?
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Posted: 6th Oct 2021 13:55
Then make aab file . why waiting ? [quote=]
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Posted: 6th Oct 2021 14:49
Is this AppGameKit Studio? I am still working with AppGameKit Classic. Time to upgrade maybe?
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Posted: 6th Oct 2021 15:39 Edited at: 6th Oct 2021 15:51
oh ! 1st this is studio forum so I assume that you have studio anyways classic may be not update . I am not sure because I have classic but now I only work on studio . and you can buy very low price .
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Posted: 7th Oct 2021 12:35 Edited at: 7th Oct 2021 16:48
OK I got Studio. It is good, it can run all the stuff I wrote already with Classic. Now I have an Exporting Error.
It says:
Failed to read AndroidManifest.xml file.

And it won't write the APK because of this, also it seems to still be writing and APK, not the AAB I was looking for. Any ideas?

Edit. Looking up AndroidManifest.xml on google it says it should have been created when I created the Project. Could this be because I wrote the source in AGKClassic, but opened it with AGKStudio? Maybe I need to copy all the info; Source files, Media etc into a temporary place. Then delete the existing project and start again Creating a New Project with AGKStudio, then drop all the source and media into place again. Will try this and update later.

Edit2: THIS WORKED! I had to copy all the source code(s) to Notepad files, then copy the Media folder contents to a backup location, then delete the whole project in AGKStudio. Here I went to my Documents folder and deleted all things related to my old project, just to be sure. Then I opened a fresh AGKStudio, and created a New Project, added in all the source code(s) repopulated the newly made Media folder. Ran my game to see it worked OK - it did. Export to Google App Bundle. Voila! My game .abb archive file is there - now to publish before Google shut down my account.

Thanks for all the pointers. And keep an eye out for FlipX
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Posted: 7th Oct 2021 13:54
make sure you've updated to v2021.09.30.

then, as tambam said/showed, choose "Google App Bundle" in APK Type settings for .AAB export?
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Posted: 7th Oct 2021 16:56
Quote: "Edit2: THIS WORKED! I had to copy all the source code(s) to Notepad files, then copy the Media folder contents to a backup location, then delete the whole project in AGKStudio."

You might be onto something there.

There have been a few issue exporting from multi IDE projects (both Classic and Studio working on the same project) it could be something in (or missing from) the save file that's causing it ... will be my first port of call for future issues, currently everything seems to be working here, that's a first!!
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Posted: 8th Oct 2021 13:28
Now the Publishing with Google Assault Course. I thought it would be simple, how wrong I was. Every time I think I've answered all their questions, they open another page of more questions. I had to guess at some of the answers as I could not figure out a real answer.
Something I spotted a while ago, was guys on who offer to 'Publish your app/game on Google Play Store' for under $15. I guess it's publishing to their own account, instead of all the hassles I have been going through setting up my own. Has anyone had any experience using an out-sourced publisher?

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