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iOS and MacOS / Exporting to IOS

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Joined: 30th Aug 2013
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 18th Oct 2021 13:39
Similar to another user's recent post, is there an updated process listed anywhere for publishing for IOS ?

I've followed all the steps (as far as I can tell) given in the instructions in the AppGameKit Studio User Guide, but I keep getting one error after another.

The latest is this:

To be honest, I don't feel that I really understand what I am doing at all, which is why I would really like a step by step guide or some help.


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TGC Developer
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Joined: 8th Feb 2016
Posted: 22nd Oct 2021 07:25
Looks like you may be missing the distribution certificate. Download this and double click on it to place it in your keychain. Now try exporting again.

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