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AppGameKit Classic Chat / Tower Defense [Community Prize Competition]

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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 03:48
Ok so I put a lot of work into making this work right, it was not easy.

I Still have to make each wave happen in between and change levels to choose different guns and stuff. Each Gun has different bullet hit points. So some guns are better then others.

Defend Egypt

Defend Your Egypt artifacts from Zombies. A zombie out break has happened and you have a array of different artifacts you have collected over the years.

Zombies are trying to destroy your artifacts to take over the world.

Yes, it is up to you to defend your artifacts to save the world.

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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 03:57
Looking good, you have a good eye for level design.

You still got that sprite size issue going on tho, I can see a slight size variation when the animation changes, other than that it looks good, keep it up.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 04:06 Edited at: 12th Nov 2021 04:06
Quote: "You still got that sprite size issue going on tho, I can see a slight size variation when the animation changes"

That is odd because I'm not changing any sprites size over any animations.

I am not changing any sprites sizes in the loop at all, and I'm not seeing any slight size variations.

Can you point it out to me more clearly please so I can understand what your saying?
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 04:19 Edited at: 12th Nov 2021 04:24
Quote: "Can you point it out to me more clearly"

watch the zombie's head inflate/deflate when it walks:

not the best snippet/example of it but it's across the board on this and your platformer. it's generally a result of resizing all images to the same size vs scaling them all to the same scale (assuming each frame is a separate image of different sizes). where did you get the images? they are familiar and i'm sure they have freebies we can play with to offer advice.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 04:23
it looks like they are being stretched in certain frames, maybe its the animation, I just watched it back in fullscreen and to my eye, some frames the head and torso seem to 'bloat', they certainly don't look consistent, are all the frames of all the animations the same size?

One of the zombies seems to have a dodgy leg, it keeps disappearing, lol
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 04:23 Edited at: 12th Nov 2021 04:25
Quote: "watch the zombie's head inflate/deflate when it walks."

That is suppose to happen lol.

That is how the sprites are for fun filled animation.

I cant change this as I did not make the sprites images.

I will say I'm not worried about that at all.

Quote: "One of the zombies seems to have a dodgy leg, it keeps disappearing, lol"

lol yes, he has a bone for a leg, for some reason his leg disappears lol. oh well.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 04:29
That's normal for zombies. Their insides are rotting and bubbling.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 04:33
Ah well, at least you got a playable demo, I'm still trying to get my prototype working!, I dont suppose you know anything about orbital mathematics, inverse trigonometry or cyclometric functions? ... lol
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 04:43 Edited at: 12th Nov 2021 04:46
Quote: "That's normal for zombies. Their insides are rotting and bubbling"

Now that is funny and gross

inverse trigonometry or cyclometric functions? ... lol

I do why what's up?
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 04:56
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 05:05
Ok. I see

You will have to use 4 lines from the center and another line to get the distance because it is 2d.

Quote: "when measuring in radians, an angle of θ radians will correspond to an arc whose length is rθ, where r is the radius of the circle. Thus in the unit circle, "the arc whose cosine is x" is the same as "the angle whose cosine is x", because the length of the arc of the circle in radii is the same as the measurement of the angle in radians.[11] In computer programming languages, the inverse trigonometric functions are often called by the abbreviated forms asin, acos, atan.[12]"

We will have to build a function to use the 4 lines with asin, acos, atan

Let me try, ill let you know.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 05:10
Quote: "y=sin−1(x)"

This is where I start.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 05:27
I need 3D, this is a piece of cake in 2D

the diameter of the sphere can be calculated from the 2 points to the centre, easy I've done that, what I need now is the arc value of the curve along the path between the 2 points, I know you take the diameter from the previous calculation and the arc distance between the 2 points and you have the height at each factor of the path (as I understand what I am reading)

-ArcTan is the answer, I am sure of that, just cant get the formula right.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 05:39
Quote: "the diameter of the sphere can be calculated from the 2 points to the centre, easy I've done that,"

Oh, I should have read your whole post sorry.

Quote: "-ArcTan is the answer, I am sure of that, just cant get the formula right."

Can I ask why? because there might be a easer way to do what your needing.

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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 05:54
see the video in my thread, the line of yellow dots should be on the surface of the sphere, the red lines are just debug to visualise the math so far, also any follow up on this subject can be posted there, lets not pollute this thread anymore with my issue.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 19:09 Edited at: 12th Nov 2021 19:10
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 19:26
Nice, I better get coding some actual game mechanics then

Why am I double posting all of a sudden, never happened before now twice in 2 days, is that my end or TGC end?
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 22:46 Edited at: 12th Nov 2021 22:48

That needs to be decided how it will be awarded, because saying there is cash prizes and not just a cash prize says winners will win just a certain amount.

Now I'm not doing this to win any money, it would be a extra cool thing, but I think it is fair to say who gets what for what.


Cash for what, What prizes?

Quote: " I better get coding some actual game mechanics then"

Yes, Because I already have a full working game that has just about everything, but do not stress, we still have a month till after Christmas. Because your game will be much better if you don't rush it.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 22:54
Quote: "That needs to be decided how it will be awarded, because saying there is cash prizes and not just a cash prize says winners will win just a certain amount."

We haven't decided exactly how we will divvy up the cash/prizes but it looks like there will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd and an Encouragement award

Quote: "Cash for what, What prizes?"

We are still chasing a number of additional prize opportunities and are in the process of getting logos etc from sponsors so we can post specifics.

One thing is for sure though. If you don't eneter a game you won't win anything.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 23:02 Edited at: 12th Nov 2021 23:03
Quote: "Encouragement award"

I Encourage That everyone start making something soon.

I just finished adding 5 guns with different ammo amounts and hit point damages . You will have cash in the game, fake cash, and you have to spend this for what guns you want for each level. There will be ten guns of all.

One is a guy who is in a plow who runs over a group of zombies, he is like a one hit for a swarm.

Having fun with this.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 23:19
Its not for us to say who gets what that's down to the organizers...

Quote: "Yes, Because I already have a full working game that has just about everything, but do not stress,"

I don't stress, if its ready its ready, if not, well even a playable tech demo qualifies as a viable entry, innovation does not come overnight

You know what, If I come last and a single person says "wow, that's got potential", in my mind, I have won, besides, your entry and mine will not be judged in the same category, we are not competing, Phaelax, Raven and Janbo on the other hand are going to give me some stiff competition!! (as I'm sure a few others will too)

@Phaelax, I am also bringing my A game lol
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 23:22
Quote: "your entry and mine will not be judged in the same category,"

Don't Speak to soon, You haven't seen my finished product yet lol.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 23:29
HaHa, in that case, bring it on!

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Posted: 12th Nov 2021 23:58 Edited at: 13th Nov 2021 00:47
Quote: "HaHa, in that case, bring it on!"

I just love to compete, Mabey you should have not gave me such good advice on how to code, same for Virtual Nomad.

You both helped me so much in learning.


So here we go, a updated video of how I'm implementing the gun system, or should I say plant system.

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Posted: 13th Nov 2021 01:09 Edited at: 13th Nov 2021 01:11
MC Hammer wrote: "Hammertime!"

that might be an axe? either way, good stuff
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Posted: 13th Nov 2021 01:11
Quote: "MC Hammer wrote: "Hammertime!""

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Posted: 13th Nov 2021 01:26 Edited at: 13th Nov 2021 01:42
Quote: "So here we go, a updated video"

Looking good

I have not even started an actual "game" yet but I have part built 3 tools so far to help with its development (you guys know what I'm on about here, right?) the first one you saw, the path utility, this tool (below) will help me populate the planet with decor and items and save out as json (unfinished ATM) but this is the astatic I am thinking of going with, I tried a toon shader but... still unsure, the 3rd tool also unfinished is ..... TOP SECRET! .... not giving everything away, has to be some surprises!!

Looks to much like cheap carpet, doesn't it? ....

That's better, some Aqua

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Posted: 13th Nov 2021 01:47
Quote: " I have part built 3 tools"


Make some tools for the user to build also, this will help us build a defense world on our own, now that would probably win, I should just shut up.
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Posted: 13th Nov 2021 01:58
Yeah the user will have tools to build that's kind of the entire point of the game, these tools are to help me build the planet and data sets needed, I don't like doing it all in one project it just gets messy, that tool ^^ will produce a json file with the location of mountains, trees, city's and other consumables, everything beyond what you see now will be destructible even the mountains, you lose the game if the aliens strip your planet bare, people, rocks, trees they want the lot!

I got some funny things planned ... expose my warped sense of humour this game will!!
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Posted: 13th Nov 2021 09:20
So, is asset protection required for the competition or just encouraged?
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Posted: 13th Nov 2021 09:47 Edited at: 13th Nov 2021 09:54
Depends on your assets, if they are licenced then yea you must protect them according to the licence but anything that's freely available or you make yourself then don't bother, its a game comp not an asset encryption comp, I am making everything myself and textures from CC0 vendors so no I am not, if someone wants to take and use my assets I'll take it as a complement but the code belongs to moi!

I think, because a lot of us use licenced art the mods where just covering their bases and not encouraging "sharing" of licenced stuff within the community ... only valid reason I can think of to have such a caveat to the guidelines.

Edit: saying that, if I got time I *might* code a quick encryption plugin for some basic obfuscation but its not on my list of priorities.
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Posted: 13th Nov 2021 11:51
Quote: "the mods where just covering their bases and not encouraging "sharing" of licenced stuff "

Exactly that.
Nobody is judging how well you obfuscate your media. We just want to be sure that no licences are violated.
As PTC says, if you use free media or your own then it doesn't matter but most licences insist on some kind of encryption.
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Posted: 13th Nov 2021 12:01 Edited at: 13th Nov 2021 12:19
Speaking of data protection, I just tested that wadpacker from here..
Tested on a basic animated 3D model and it seems to work fine.
I don't know how hard it is to rip the model out but I wouldn't be able to.
Anyone want to try?

EDIT.. just realised when the saveObject command is finally added then it would be easy.
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Posted: 13th Nov 2021 13:01
Quote: "Anyone want to try?"

feel free to try but DO NOT post about it.
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Posted: 13th Nov 2021 21:43
I would also like to contribute to the challenge.
I have already experimented a little bit. When I read this thread.
Before I start I would like to clarify something.
Is it okay for the mods if I write my project in AGKSharp?
After all, it is offered on the AppGameKit page.
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Posted: 13th Nov 2021 21:55
Yeah, good point, I wanted to use C++ but ...

Anyhou, I am using the shader pack with compiled shaders, I don't need to protect those as they are already compiled, right?

I have opted to use some free environment assets from as I seem to have forgotten how to use blender!, as these are free to download, I don't need to protect those either?
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Posted: 13th Nov 2021 22:53 Edited at: 13th Nov 2021 23:16
We've decided to allow any of the AppGameKit languages as long as it uses the AppGameKit API for the bulk of the game.

I think the shaders are not compiled. You will need to encrypt them. There are encryption functions distributed with the shader pack.

you only need to encrypt assets if the licence requires it
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Posted: 14th Nov 2021 01:57
Look what I found, this packs your games into a neat little prelaunch and it is still available in the download and it works,

Vishnu studio (Vishnu packer) Now released. And all for free.
Price : Free

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Posted: 14th Nov 2021 02:04 Edited at: 14th Nov 2021 02:18
Quote: "Look what i found"

i added to the 2nd post a bit last night and i don't think i mentioned it yet (still want to add more). See HERE.

but, nice find

with that, the FIRST post has been updated to explicitly provide for Tier 2, AGKSharp, etc..

we should also have the Prize breakdown within the next couple of days. it's on paper but want to get the Sponsors' graphics set at the same time, so... watch this space
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Posted: 14th Nov 2021 02:07
Quote: "i updated the 2nd post a little last night "

I did not see this lol, and you put that on there before I did lol, how funny. I did not even need to search myself, oh well.

At least I know I can easily protect my assets.

Thank you.
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Posted: 14th Nov 2021 03:37 Edited at: 14th Nov 2021 03:38
Quote: "FIRST post has been updated to explicitly provide for Tier 2, AGKSharp, etc.."

Superb, half the basework done and C++ gets the green light lol

Well at least I now got a road map, this will be so much easier with classes, oh, wait, I'll have to convert the shader pack code, the advanced math functions, and everything I have written thus far ... Hmmmm, Think I have a coffee and consider my options, maybe I should just stick to Basic after all.

How about a "Start the same project over and over again" competition, that one I would win 1st, 2nd and 3rd! lol

Quote: "watch this space"

YOU know I am! lol
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Posted: 14th Nov 2021 04:23 Edited at: 14th Nov 2021 04:27
Quote: "Superb, half the basework done and C++ gets the green light"

that light was yellow until today

blink and scraggle have helped me see the light and provide for it to change hue with the deadline extension (remember, i had it set for "boxing day" i think ya'll call it? )
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Posted: 14th Nov 2021 05:07
Ah its no biggie, I was joking anyway I am already heavily invested in T1, the extension was a nice touch tho maybe some time to add real polish, as said in my asset thread I an going asset creation mode so will decide on the codebase, now I know what I am doing, the hard math and stuff, its should be cake either way.

Yes, Boxing Day .... because we throw away all the boxes and you cant move on the streets of London till new year when the bin men come, garbage everywhere blowing in the wind, very seasonal!
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Posted: 14th Nov 2021 06:58 Edited at: 14th Nov 2021 07:00
Quote: "Submission must be a new Creation made with AppGameKit (Classic or Studio).
> This includes Tier 2 and AGKSharp, etc, as long as it uses the AppGameKit API for the bulk of the game.

Quote: "We've decided to allow any of the AppGameKit languages as long as it uses the AppGameKit API for the bulk of the game. "

That sounds perfect, then I'm in.
I am even willing to give you a look at the source code, as I was planning to release it after the Challenge.
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Posted: 15th Nov 2021 08:24 Edited at: 15th Nov 2021 08:25
I always kept meaning to check out C# but never did

I decided to port my project over to C++ for a number of reasons I wont get into yet but in doing so I have gained a lot of functionally but also lost a lot so I have simplified my idea a little but at the same time expanded on it (I know, that's an oxymoron)

for the first time ever I have planed a game on paper, ring fenced it and have a rigid goal ... meanwhile I am back to this ....

Got my work cut out, but it will be worth it!
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Posted: 15th Nov 2021 21:53

Prizes and sponsors announced! See first post!
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Posted: 15th Nov 2021 22:04 Edited at: 15th Nov 2021 22:45
Quote: "Prizes and sponsors announced!"

as is "Official" Ranking
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Posted: 15th Nov 2021 22:27
I mentioned in another thread about GDS (Rob... a really nice bloke) ^^ see what I mean! lol

You guys rock, all of you, this's an impressive prize stack, this competition just got serious! lol
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Posted: 15th Nov 2021 22:41 Edited at: 15th Nov 2021 22:45
Quote: "this competition just got serious! "

it's been serious! - we've been working on a lot for this (and are now gonna kick our feet up for a bit )

oops! - now to fix my sig link...

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